Posts by Courtney Couture

    i think everyone HAS creativity...some people just have more talent, or want to utilize it more

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    Thankfully even though my parents are divorced they never really have a problem with that...normally early Christmas Eve I go to my mom's mom's house and celebrate there, then at around 9.00 I go celebrate with my dad's family then go back to my house.

    Then Christmas day I spend the first half of the day at my house with my moms family, then go to my dads house and celebrate a bit with my stepmom and her son and daughter and granddaughter.

    ....thats actually really complicated.

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    I do actually love Christmas, but I hate the commercialization which I realize is like 95% of it...I just love spending time with my friends and family, and giving gifts and seeing their faces when they get them Happy

    I'm an agnostic, actually. Christmas has never held any religious affiliation at all for me...its just a time of year when I get to see my family and give/receive gifts.

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    dumb. now this boy i like has offended one of my friends. is it bad that i dont care about that and im super excited that he doesnt like anyone?

    although i do feel like a fangirl; at last count, 3 girls liked him. i dont even stand a chance.

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    aww Pepperette thats awesome!

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    Happy i know 14 year old boys arent EXACTLY what theyre gonna be like in the real world...its just this one boy Happy ive liked him forever and the feelings never really been reciprocated.
    its really disappointing...ive liked him on and off since 3rd grade - im in 9th now. its just hard knowing that he's never ever ever thought of me like that and nothing will ever come out of that

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    I know I'm only 14 but it kinda feels that way for me, too. The only "boyfriends" I've had haven't been very good; the first one was a loser and the second was too shy. And the guy I've liked on and off since 3rd grade has never even given me a chance, or even thought about me that way. I know for a fact he doesn't like me now - he likes 2 of my friends and some other girl. No guys think I'm pretty...some stupid boy in my class made a "list" and it got out...I really know I shouldn't care and just be mad that he even did that and I am but I can't help being hurt by that.

    And really all guys outside of school who I might consider striking up a friendship with ask me if I know its not Halloween.

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    ugh i know! i was just thinking about that. i do have a college trust fund but its not gonna be near enough! i need a job!

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    i know i shouldnt even care but its really got me down Happy this has been a really bad week, and its just because of that Happy

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    :| helloooo body image issues.
    you know what, maybe I AM ugly. How come the only people who think I'm pretty are adults and girls? I get it now. :

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    i was about to suggest Nair, cuz thats what I use and it doesnt irritate my skin....but i guess if it irritates ur skin then you shouldnt use it. sorry Happy i have a mustache and a slight unibrow. Except for not because i tweeze and use nair, but whatever

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    wow thats no fun Happy

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    ughhh I hate my art teacher. ABSOLUTE WORST ART TEACHER EVER. There is no creativity cultivated AT ALL in that class. Yeah, you can choose what design you want. But only out of the pre-selected designs, because that would LOOK BETTER. Wouldn't you rather have something that doesn't look as good, but its your own original idea, rather than something that looks good but everyone else has the same thing?! I thought so.

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    I hate my computerrr....I've only had it a year and its broken 3 or 4 times. I want a Mac for Christmas....

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    I just don't like beauty pageants in general, its okay if its your choice and to have fun and all that, but really.
    Actually I did watch like 5 minutes of that Toddlers in Tiaras, and one mom was making her kid shave her legs! WTF I didn't shave till 5th grade!

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