Posts by Courtney Couture

    Happy I'll try. But he's just so...Anberlin and 102.1 (no offense, I listen to 102.1 every now and then) into Generic Girl(tm).

    And....ugh what if I say something mom-creepy like "I was thinking of you"
    And what if he never answers? I'll be jittery and checking my phone every 5 seconds all day...

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    Yeah, I mean, normally I would think being different is GOOD. But, he described the kind of girls he likes on his myspace page and I don't fit that description at all.
    Wow, that sounds really stupid when I type that.

    I just don't want him to be all..."oh, lets just be friends." I felt bad enough having to tell that to someone and I would hate to have to go through it myself.

    It's decided. I will...text him? Maybe. If I dare.

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    ...I have a problem.

    So theres this guy that I've pretty much liked the whole school year and when school let out I thought 'okay, now time to go watch some Johnny Depp movies and get over this guy'. And I thought it worked until I was just idly thinking about next year and what its gonna be like then BAM...He's back. Now, normally I would be like 'meh. whatever. you're way above his league so it'll be easy to date him.' (which sounds TERRIBLE but normally is the case with guys I like). ANYWAYS. The thing is that this boy, we'll call him...umm...N?

    Anyways N used to be in the same social circle as me but now N has moved on to bigger and better social-ness and I have stayed with my friends. So we talk sometimes but not a ton. We're friends but not close friends.

    So the empowered feminist me is all "SCREW IT!!! TEXT HIM!!! MAKE A MOVE!!!"

    And then the shy me is all "Oh...well...someone get me Pirates of the Caribbean and some ice cream please?"

    But I digress.

    My problem is that I really like this guy but I'm not his type AT ALL. His type is...generic girl. I am not generic girl. Also, there is no way he would date me. Ever. Unless flying pigs flew out of the frozen-over hell.

    But I really really really really like this guy Happy


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    Moderate: Hide this post Mark as Spam is ridiculously short. I give my parents that. BUT ITS SO CUTE AND I SPENT AN HOUR AND A HALF ON IT. And I have the best outfit ever planned for it...

    Ugh I hate them. And the ones who are all LOOK AT ME IM SO REBEL I WEAR CONVERSE WITH DRESSES.

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    Haha, no offense to the converse wearing people. Just the ones who are all LOOK AT MY CONVERSE AND MY SKINNY JEANZZZZ IM SO HARDCOREEEEE
    And I will totally try that

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    Creative, that sucks Happy

    ARGHHHH!!!! Seriously, would my parents rather me just buy all my shirts from delias and wear skinny jeans and flats and converse all the time and grow out my hair and paint my nails pink and throw out my boots?!?! UGH! I hate this. They're all "NO thats too WIERD"

    I'm seriously about to cry right now. I spent an hour and a half on a skirt and now I'm not even allowed to wear it out. What am I supposed to do, wear it when I'm playing dress-up?

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    Well, obviously you're going to make some mistakes but dont be all "WELL IM GONNA MAKE SOME MISTAKES", then go make out with every guy in sight.

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    Humidity sucks.

    I got a sunburn Happy boo

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    Just....ugh. I really want to just get the lot of them and yell at them then try to shake some sense into them but I can't because yelling won't do anything and will just hurt my brother...

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    I mean, I have nothing wrong with them letting me know what they think of me/my style (no matter how crude they might let me know that). But...why are they insulting my brother? At least have the balls to stand up to me, instead of going through my brother, who by the way has already taken a bunch of crap from them.

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    Double post but I don't even care.

    Seriously, okay. Don't make fun of my brother because you think I'M wierd. Arghhhh

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    Everything is about money Happy

    I feel really bad for spamming this thread, too.

    Here's another.

    I dress the way I do because I enjoy it and I think it looks good. I don't want attention, and no, I do not enjoy being called "fucking ugly and wierd", or being thought of as ugly. Yes, I enjoy being different but THAT IS NOT WHY I DRESS LIKE THIS. I like the way it looks. So I'm gonna wear this hat to the movies, and wear combat boots, and dye my hair colors and all that. Because I like that aesthetic.

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    you could check at chain grocery stores, target, walmart, etc.

    maybe a department store or a clothes shop?

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    :O KT that sucks!

    (one more time...)

    So, all in all, what I'm asking for would amount to, what, 30 dollars? (movie ticket, glue gun, bike lock). Actually, it would only be 20 if you actually payed me last week. Ok, I know I should have saved money but I take care of a lot of crap around here and I'm not asking for much!!

    And do you even KNOW how bad I feel when I ask for stuff?? Do you know how much I wish I could buy it myself??

    Ugh. Just...ugh.

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