Posts by Shivi

    I just gave in an application form fo my first job! It's for Dominoes(a pizza shop).
    Well, I did have other jobs-newspaper round and labelling dog food containers but they don't really count.

    I'd been putting it off for ages but then today mum said "After we drop your brother off at your dad's house you can give in your application form." So I just had to do it but I was so nervous! My stomach was churning and I thought I was going to be sick and I nearly bailed at the last minute but then I just handed it in and the lady said thanks and that was it. It was really nothing to worry about!

    omg, how am I gonna be like if I get an interview ?!?!

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    It's just the board text that is too small.

    I've just noticed that all the advertisements on the pages are all down the bottom of the pages instead of along the side so you might want to fix it and the bottom of people's names is chopped off when their name is shown if they've favourited a project.

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    coolies! I'll take a look

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    Thanks but I already knew about craftster and it isn't really a blog.

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    Write "fuck you" on his front lawn (if you can find out where he lives) in bi-carb soda. It'll burn the grass ,leaving it there for ages!!! Even better if he's still living with his parents!

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    No school tomorrow!
    The teachers are having a strike!

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    Baby powder!
    I sprinkle it on stickers so they're not sticky anymore. You're probably thinking why would you want to do that but it's been quite useful for a few projects.

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    It's my unbirthday today, is it yours?

    If it is well, aaaaa very,very unbirthday, to you ,to YOU!
    *hums the rest of song to self*

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    thanks, I liked the taste spotting and the plain jane

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    ooooh! I actually made myself lunch for school today- I like never do coz I don't really like sandwiches and can't be bothered to make things but last night I baked scones and am like all prepared. I also got a new lunchbox coz I wanted one with sections like a bento box. I still want to get a bento box though.
    Anyhu, I had yoghurt with raspberries, a wholemeal scone and a wholemeal bread roll with ham!
    Tomorrow I want to have a wrap with pieces of tandoori chicken, baby spinach leaves, mashed avacado, cracked pepper and lemon juice and another scone too.

    It feels so weird to come home and not feel hungry-it's great Happy

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    I think emo has more than one meaning-
    #1 It's a type of music
    #2 It's a type of fashion/style
    #3 It's self harm
    people just don't like describing their fashion sense as emo or their music as it's associated with self harm so it's only used as a negative word.
    When someone calls you emo they're usually describing definition number three

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    i'm bored :0

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    can you please give me addresses to some good craft and cooking blogs.

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    I'd like to but I'm already involved in one of the other swaps and I don't really have time for more,sorry Happy

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    that's fine cat-no rush

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