Little Red Riding hood with scratches all over her and the wolves head in a basket. ;)
Posts by Ravens Trove
Smart marketing and cute giveaway! Good luck.
But....SAVE all those small chunks of wax. I have a very cool fire starter project that uses leftover wax. Just trying to find the rest of the pictures!
Pinwheels! Cut down the sides and twist them slightly so they catch the wind. Ptt a small hole through the middle and mount on sticks or (???) They would be beautiful spinning in the sun! And, they would be great to keep birds away from fruit tree's and freshly planted seed, just spinning away... (I want some! haha)
You could also put them on sticks and cut them to look like flowers, even put a few together inside the other to make extra petals... ::Runs home to start burning more tealights::
I find inspiration and ideas in just about every post I've seen here. Even if it's not something I do, some other part of it may inspire me... heck, even a well laid out tutorial is a great lesson.
Please, post away as you desire.
That was really cool, Pam Well done!
Very inspiring and concise! Absolutely chuffed to be a member of CO&K!
My sister and I shared a room that was very small. If you sleep on different sides, you can divide the room using sheets, shower curtains, etc. You can have a different "look" on each side. You can put pockets on the divider to store things.
If you can't separate you really are going to have to find a compromise as Monika suggested. Google up Small teenage girl Bedroom remodels to get some idea's
Another idea is to paint each side of the room a color that goes with pink (for her side) and whatever color you like for yours. It will still look like one room but just different style and accents.
Good luck! In another few rooms she'll be gone and that room will be all yours, sister!
Why not try for a tight armed shrug? Now that you've given me the idea, I may have to try it!
Awwww... thanks. And, good luck, whatever you do!
I don't allow myself to go to the thrift store unless I'm making a donation.
Just a thought...
Hey Cupcake,
I love Dark Ash's idea or a "teaching" fee.
But I also love the thought of how FAT she is going to get eating all those StarBurst! ;)
She was rude. But she did figure out how make money off of it.
So, this was a life lesson, sincerest form of flattery and all that.. You've got mad skills. Move on and let Karma take care of it. Not worth the pain.
Future note: On your next amazing idea... type it, draw it, get it notarized and mail it to yourself before you share. Make a note on the tutorial that to your knowledge this is an original idea... PATENT PENDING. You'll have supplied the right verbiage and have proof. (Maybe one day I'll have an idea good enough to use my own advice! lol)
Thanks for unloading. It's also a great reminder to all of us to practice basic courtesy.
Leona (AKA: Ravens Trove)
Kitten Kaboodle
Cat Posts
Cats from Scratch
Un-fur-gettable fun
(Haha, I love this kind of stuff...)
Craft a cat
Fur Purrchase
Catty Crafts (for a little attitude)
Raining Cats and blogs... (oops, showing my age.)
Paws and Shop (Get it? Pause...and shop?)
Ok, ok, you get the idea. Good luck!
Just a HUGE thank you to all the contributors who posted here. I found this a few weeks ago and my mind is spinning with all the great idea's!