Posts by Ravens Trove

    I just started last summer. Great fun!

    I put these in when the container fits:

    So.... going to give us the coordinates to those earrings???? Hmmmm....

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    I feel so OLD.... I own one and it's in the "donate" pile!

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    Yay! I am all smiles. Just glad you like it! Good luck in your blogging!!! I'll keep checking ya' out.

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    Sadly, I could not post on your blog, it thinks I am "Dallas Sink" for some

    I'm curious if you know you already have an AWESOME name? The Elfin Adventure Nation (T.E.A. Nation) I love it. You can always refer to your personal tea-partiers as the Nation. I've done marketing for over 20 years and it does have legs.

    March on, friendly Elven-earth advocates! Today the nation, tomorrow the world.


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    A DIY Christmas... Love the idea. I'm in for as much as I have time to do and will commit to a full DIY Christmas next year!

    Pink Weeds: I want to see those aprons. I LOVE aprons and have two I'm working on. Please share!

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    I also make Home Made Liquors for my really, really good friends. ;)

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    Fire Starters for my friends who camp or have fireplaces. It's "expected" of me now... lol. I save stuff all year to make them.

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    I wonder if you could do something with seed packs. You can sew a cute little holder or a bow with rosette and include 5 packs of seeds per item. Flower or vegetable selections so people can choose. Africa suffers so much from water loss that selling seeds to plant our own crops brings meaning to it for me.

    Just a random thought.

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    Did some more google-ing too and I am definitely leaning towards creepy now....

    Really good reason to avoid, avoid, avoid. Thanks Arty!

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    Hahahahaha! That is funny.

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    Somewhere over The Rainbow. Not exactly for Halloween but it really makes me want to kill someone every time I hear it!

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    For you Syeyon: (For clarity, Syeyon PM'd me a request to see my deck. I could not find a way to send it privately.)

    We've already started stowing things away for winter so it's not "prettied" up but here is the deck we made. Thanks so much for reminding me of all the wonderful memories I have of Grandpa and making it.

    He really was my first DIY inspiration, though I didn't realize it until now!

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    I'm with St.Ephanie! I have all kinds of "want" but no drive. Plus, we've getting the garden put up for winter and doing all the extra outside stuff. I feel depressingly unproductive!

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    The second one made me think of some lovely full length aprons... (Le sigh!)

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    Now I have to find me some nice gingham shirts! ;)

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