Anyone else hate christmas?

I feel like I'm taking a bit of a gamble writing this as people will probably think I'm a total scrooge but I absolutely detest Christmas. I think its partly because I suffer from Depression and Anxiety (plus a phobia of sick) and all of those get worse in the lead up to christmas. I'm not religious either (I'm a humanist) so I hate the horrible pressure I feel to be excited and all upbeat about one day of the year.
As this is a rant, I might as well go the whole hog and say what I really don't like about this time of year. I hate that the shops and streets being chocablock full of people spending money on crap that costs twice the price it would usually cost just cos its got a slightly christmasy theme. I'm not a total scrooge tho and do buy my family presents and send them. I figure its my choice but I resepct that fact that they do choose to celebrate it.
Last year me and partner went down to the south coast for the week and didn't celebrate christmas at all. We actually had a lovely break and went fossil hunting on Christmas day. We saved a futune and it was so relaxing and so lovely.

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45 replies since 11th November 2009 • Last reply 11th November 2009

fossil hunting sounds cool, I am the same way. I do it for my family. and this year I got all my gifts from etsy

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I used to hate Christmas..and im not religious either.. I like it now just cause it's nice to be with the family atleast once a year...I do hate how its become all about the side of my family likes to spoil us (mostly stuff that I have already or dont need.. very thoughtless).. and its nice and all.. but I can't afford to do the same in return.. so i feel like a loser.. Im making crafts for everyone this year, It will be way more fun than trying to fight through the crowds. I like Christmas for family time and good food.. but Im always relieved when its over Tongue

I love fossil hunting.. id do that any day of the year Happy

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I am so glad you had the courage to write this.
I personally love Christmas but I know what a huge pressure it is for eveyone . Over the years I have walked beside people for who this is their hardest and for some most tragic time of their life.Every year in the "great build up " as it's referred to in our house these memories are reawakened.
How great that you found a way to enjoy the time that you could spend together.I can think of no better way than stomping up wind blown beaches and searching for life that existed millions of years ago.Kinda puts it in perspective and quite frankly is great for your mental health.

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i was starting not to like christmas cuz i never got anything lol but then i had my kids and just seeing their faces light up when they see all the lights and christmas-e things is awsome i love it.. i dont care if i get anything as long as the kids are happy..

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I dont think its Scroogey to not like Christmas, its just become too commercial. I'm a Buddhist, so I dont celebrate Christmas, but my family does. For me I look at it as a way to go home (I'm a student on the other side of the country) and see my family. Also, I try to look at it from the happy side of things, more in that I love the way people's faces light up when you get them something they love Happy. Plus, I HAAAAAAAAATE Christmas shopping with a passion, totally agree with you on the stores and extra money, its just too materialistic for my tastes. So, I make all my Christmas gifts or repurpose something to be re-gifted (giving my brother my not so old, old cellphone...its the phone he wanted but couldnt get in Saskatchewan). Its a lot more personal, and it really doesnt have to cost a ridiculous amount of money, but the thought is seriously what counts. Happy

Ps. fossil hunting sounds sooooo cool, totally something I would love to try someday Happy

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fossil hunting is grand fun, I am buddhist too, but I respect others religions

but I don't like how its all so commerialized

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Yeah I don't like Christmas either! I never really used to like it, then my dad ruined everything a few years ago by getting an air rifle and pretending to shoot people with it - even though he knows I really hate guns and desperately didn't want him to get it. I don't really get on with my family and I hate this idea of having to be happy all the time. It's too much pressure for me. I know what you mean, I have a mild form of S.A.D. so in the winter I get really down and yeah, all the pressure to be cheery all the time annoys me. I do like the presents though - and I mean, making them and buying them. I've started getting excited now and making Christmas presents so that's cheering me up, but it's nothing to do with the actual holiday.

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I don't celebrate christmas either and I've no real family to speak of so I'm not forced to join in with stuff. I do appreciate all the old movies they shove on the tv though lol

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I do actually love Christmas, but I hate the commercialization which I realize is like 95% of it...I just love spending time with my friends and family, and giving gifts and seeing their faces when they get them Happy

I'm an agnostic, actually. Christmas has never held any religious affiliation at all for me...its just a time of year when I get to see my family and give/receive gifts.

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I think thats why most people enjoy xmas

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I think the only thing that bothers me about the holidays is families fighting over who sees who and on what day. Both our parents are seperated (me and my bf), so we have 4 or 5 different houses wanting to see us. And we just want to celebrate it by ourselves....blahh. But I love the traditions that go with Christmas. I love the decorations and making homemade candies, I love shopping too. But I never EVER go shopping the week of...that's a friggin disaster.

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Thankfully even though my parents are divorced they never really have a problem with that...normally early Christmas Eve I go to my mom's mom's house and celebrate there, then at around 9.00 I go celebrate with my dad's family then go back to my house.

Then Christmas day I spend the first half of the day at my house with my moms family, then go to my dads house and celebrate a bit with my stepmom and her son and daughter and granddaughter.

....thats actually really complicated.

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call me crazy but i cant wait for black friday :p

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we don't have that in Canada

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