arrrrgh falling apart

today when I brushed my teeth, my gums bleeded and bleeded. So I had to rinse my mouth out with salt water to stop the bleeding and then my mouth hurt. And my front tooth is twisting to the side, its like my teeth are pushing it, and now there is a gap and I have to make sure nothing gets up in there

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9 replies since 10th November 2009 • Last reply 10th November 2009

You aren't flossing enough.....

The dentist tells me that means you aren't flossing enough...but yet you aren't supossed to bleed that much either. Hope it's not a super yucky infection or cavity.

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its none of those, its cause my my wisdom teeth moving up, they are moving sideways pushing my teeth. So far I am cavity free, its just that they don't know how to uncrowd my mouth,

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I think I was about your age when I had my wisdom teeth out, they were causing a bit of havoc. I'd had to have my mouth uncrowded as a kid too (which caused my dentist to refer to me as "no fours, gaps closed" for years after, snappy nickname huh). I still have a bit of a bunch up at the bottom but heyhoHappy

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oh man I hate going to the dentist!! I have some severly sensitive teeth on the right side of my mouth... my dentist tried everything to fix it.. nothing works Happy I had to get like 8 needles to numb me enough for the one root canall he did.. and at $1000 per tooth.. I have to live with the pain.. all my food is chewed on the left side of my mouth.. its been 3 years like this. now the left side is starting to become sensitive!!!I want dentures hahahah

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ooohhh dear, ouch

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Wow! That stinks. I've never heard of anyone having such severe pain with wisdom teeth....

I have 3 growing says they aren't completely grown in....well...actually...4 growing in, but one hasn't made it to the surface just's RIGHT there....

anyway...first one was a pain, had to get 2 teeth pulled just for it to grow in, because it was actually rotting my teeth. Um...yeah...I hope to get mine pulled, because i don't want my teeth all squished together

....and...if the dentist ever tries to tell me my kids need braces, i'm gunna say no, they can get them as adults, because childhood braces...what's the point if you are going to have wisdom teeth that are just going to push your teeth back together?

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I had mine all surgricaly removed, plus now I have more. I had two sets of wisdom teeth

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Two sets?!!! man that is just plain unlucky, poor youHappy
I had a small brace when I was a kid to push my top teeth out a bit. I could whistle through it something fierceHappy

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lol, I had braces too. but because of my extra teeth all that time on my teeth is gone to waste

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