What's making you mad?

328 replies since 26th March 2007 • Last reply 26th March 2007

I'm not mad exactly, just disappointed that my film didn't win a Bafta Happy.

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I am mad that my old internet provider Insight, got bought out by Comcast, and now my internet doesn't work. I am forced to use the compurter at my parents. So I can't check my sites everyday. Now being at home sucks.

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I am mad that my old internet provider Insight, got bought out by Comcast, and now my internet doesn't work. I am forced to use the compurter at my parents. So I can't check my sites everyday. Now being at home sucks.

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I am mad that my old internet provider Insight, got bought out by Comcast, and now my internet doesn't work. I am forced to use the compurter at my parents. So I can't check my sites everyday. Now being at home sucks.

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Cat- what film is it?

And Brandi, my internet and general computer is playing up loads too. Boo!

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Yeah opposites, my friend was saying that the other day, that guys like bums and he doesn't get why girls think it's a bad thing.

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I'm mad because I really hate working in GAME >_< some not nice staff there...

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Aww *hugs* eye_spy - just remember, they're probably not getting any thus why they're nasty.

Roma - it was just a film I made for my honors project, called Third Time Lucky. The uni entered it for a Bafta but it didn't get through to the next round.

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omg when I bought my ds in game the girl behind the counter actually pulled a ds out from underneath the counter that was in half like 'look what happened to mine you buy insurance now' 12.99 for a year but they were like 'no no its 2 years' yeh one year by nintendo one by them go away ikkies!!!

But i'm sure you're very nice eye spy.

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Is the film on youtube cat? I'd like to see your work!

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hehe thanks everyone Happy

I'm not gonna say too much, but I'm not getting on with everyone in there very well, I don't agree with some of their methods and stuff.

Never mind, I'm looking for another job in the meantime. The actual work as in serving customers and stuff isn't the bad part Happy

There seems to be a lack of communication between staff, so you can get told one thing from someone, and told something completely different from someone else too :/

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Thats what it was like at my first job (which lasted wait for it wait for it 2 saturdays cuz i couldnt be arsed anymore). I got told different things by different peolpe and got different amounts of wages! They were so unprofessional.

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I'm looking for a new job too. It's a shame, cause I get paid a lot at my work (£5.52 and £7.36 on a Sunday which is when I work), but because I only work four hours I still only get like £30 which isn't nearly enough. And I just hate it there, we're always getting inspections cause it's a big store and I have to do bra measuring and it's horrible =(

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I hate unencouraging art teachers!

And yes I need a job and an apprentiship.

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Yeah Kitten, I'm like you. I get an amazing £6.30 an hour, but I only get three hours a week. I feel really rude moaning to people about it who get like £5 an hour but work loads more hours.

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