I hate being wimpy..

Clash are wanting to send me to Paris to see Siouxsie Sioux at the Eiffel Tower on Friday night but I'm too wimpy to travel by myself.
Does anyone have some spare confidence that I can borrow?

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6 replies since 26th September 2007 • Last reply 26th September 2007

Take as much of mine as you need. You'll regret it if you don't go.

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I totally agree!!


Sometimes mustering up the confidence is hard but once you've done it you'll think... that was it??

Flying is fun... so is driving!! I learned that sometimes traveling by myself is actually easier.

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Gof for it!! Travelling alone is great! Really, it's not bad at all. Just take some music a book or anything to occupy you during the flight. You will be fine and have a great time while there too Happy

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I wimped out for too long and missed my chance, next time, I'll totally go for it!

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ah well, least you will know for next time Happy hugs

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Thank you *hugs*

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