Yes exactly!
Oh, I didn't want accuse your bf It just reminded me of my case because you're depending more on your parner with less friends... but it was another unfortunate situation (my best friend had her first boyfrend at the same time, and I couln't bear him...
actually marriage is important in my religion(I am buddist) its more about a union of two people.
but I think its more my problem, I am ready...but he may not be...
at the moment the idea of marraige and 2.4 children makes me feel a bit ill...
as always my man is perfect, I'm the one being distant and stuff but that's not to do with him, it's to do with my problems at the moment. we will rename the thread 'rant about yourself in your relationship' for a tiny second for the benefit of this post lol
lol, it used to make me sick
It makes me sick too...white picket fence, 2.5 adorable children, apple pie, watching your kid's football games every sunday...yuck. (wow, I just described my aunt and uncle, haha).
I don't really want children :/ if I do, I'll adopt.
But, I'm 13. So maybe that'll change
well I thought the same at your age...but you never know what will happen in life
I've just been thinking about it, and I have to say, at the moment I love the thought of having a cute house with a huge garden, 2 children, best a boy and a girl, 2 dogs one of them a Deerhound , 4 rabbits, 4 chicken a beautiful bench under the branches of a weeping willow, a pond with 2 Ducks. And I'd like 2 white Llamas to tie a small carriage...
(I once wrote a story about that...
and I really want those Llamas...
And I want tons of lavender and small wild roses to grow in my garden. And I'll never mow the lawn...
Well first I have to finish my studies and earn some money...
my BFc are just jerks thats why i stopped dating for a while
you know sometimes you need to take the good with bad, sigh
I am really sick to my back teeth with men.
my ex keeps pestering me asking if i want to go out with him again and saying that he has changed his ways. I got so fed up with him in the three weeks that we dated cuz all he was after was sex and im not ready to just do something like that with someone who ive only just started going out with. He is a really nice guy and i kinda still like him but he is just ovely obsessed with sex.
And then just before i completly finished with secondry school i started talking with a guy who was in the year below me but only younger than me by a couple of months, and i was told by his best girl mate that he really liked me and she knew that i really liked him. So we hung out one night and drank tons of energy drinks and had a good laugh, but then the mext day when i text him it seemed like he was avoiding me which did make me a bit upset. So when i got back from romania i'd heard gossip that he had just got a girlfriend which has totally broken me.
Anyways thats my little rant over, im now going to bury myself in a mountian of chocolate now.
oh gosh. I hate that feeling, when they don't call you back and ignore you, then find out that they did get a gf.
I'm just so confused at the moment about guys, i'd might aswell leave well alone.
sometimes that best huh
the pestering doesn't stop until you're married!!!
I had all that with guys seemingly interested then not wanting anything serious, then finding a girlfriend not long's not nice, you feel used! But that was the only thing that hurt/upset me, feeling used, I had no serious feelings for these guys since nothing serious happened. There are girls who do this to boys as well of course. Its these people trying a nice way of letting you down gently. I had this guy texting me for aaages after I met him in a club but anytime i tried to arrange anything he was 'busy' so I texted him one day saying 'look, what is the point in this? I just, don't want to know, I'm sorry' or something along those lines, because he wasn't making an effort and didn't say what he wanted and I decided he was a prick. It's a weird thing. When I was 'on the market' I was quite straight forward, after flirtations in school but no boyfriends when I was in college I was like, right I'm not waiting around. It got me what I wanted eventually
yeah when I was dating it was like, I so hate these games...blargh
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