May 2013
What's your favorite color? 19th May 2013Mine is ORANGE!!18 replies · Last reply almost 12 years ago
People using mascara instead of eyeliner???? 18th May 2013I make lots of friends online like for example in cutoutandkeep. I made a new friend in tumblr and she says that she uses mascara to line her eyes instead of eyeliner. She says it works so well and it easy to take it off. She uses a gel mascara. I think it can dangerous but...8 replies · Last reply almost 12 years ago
How do You Use Your iPad for Crafting 17th May 2013I use my iPad BIG TIME for alot of my craft projects YouTube! - I look Everything up on YouTube Some eBooks PDF Patterns Google Images11 replies · Last reply almost 12 years ago
craft blog 16th May 2013my blog is almost done but im not much of tech interested. is there any tips or something you can share?? and i have no clue how to upload it in the interenet ive treid everything but no luck my coputer keeps freezing so i have no luck AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...3 replies · Last reply almost 12 years ago
What are you itching to make? 12th May 2013Ah, craft itches... When you really want to make something but you're not at your craft station. What are you itching to make? Right now, I'm itching to modify a lot of old clothes into summery clothes. I have about 6 sketches made for clothes I want to make by hand and make...61 replies · Last reply almost 12 years ago
my final exam is starting from the 18th of may.. 9th May 2013congratulations because I know that feeling little bit when you need all the congratulations..besides i'm in sixth grade5 replies · Last reply almost 12 years ago
Howd u meet ur mate? 9th May 2013I am rather unlucky in love/relationships it seems. Lol so I thought this might help & be cool discussion... How did you meet your spouse/partner/boyfriend/girlfriend? (Add how long you've been together too!) Stories & mushiness welcome. Haha16 replies · Last reply almost 12 years ago
looking for a 'pen pal' 8th May 2013hi, just wondering if anyone from a different country (I live in the UK) would be willing to be my pen pal (although instead of sending letters we would send emails (cos postage is expensive) i would love to know what people in other countries get up to also ive never had a...2 replies · Last reply almost 12 years ago
red hair 3rd May 2013Black will turn orange with one box of bleach, which is fine if you are doing a fire engine red. Loreal colors are more natural looking than brighter brands like Manic Panic. In my experience, Loreal colors aren't that great if you want something super bright.6 replies · Last reply almost 12 years ago
Came up with really safe and non waxy crayon lipstick tutorial 1st May 2013So I came up with my own safe and non waxy crayon lipstick tutorial. If you want a how to please tell me!9 replies · Last reply almost 12 years ago
April 2013
Art History Presentations 30th April 2013Hey everyone, I wanted to get your opinion on something! I'm a history major with an art history minor, and to keep my art history knowledge alive, I was thinking about writing short articles and making small powerpoint presentations about all the major art movements. Who...10 replies · Last reply almost 12 years ago
Show Casting! 30th April 2013Looking to help men in Feuds for new docu-series. If you or someone you know has had a major fallout with a brother, cousin, uncle, dad, etc. we want to help! Contact via e-mail to tell us your story. www.mysticartpictures.com0 replies · Last reply almost 12 years ago
Need empty/ used makeup for art project! 29th April 2013Hey everyone! For my last art project we need to show a social issue/impact. I'm trying to show the affects of drugstore makeup and high end makeup, and the contrast between them. I've got all the drugstore set, but I'm in desperate need of high end. Does anyone have any I can...5 replies · Last reply almost 12 years ago
SPRING GIVEAWAY 28th April 2013happy spring ( finally some weather to show it) . lets celebrate with another give away contest. write me a small poem or story about an owl. the winner will be given a pocket owl from my new collection ( pics will be posted to my FB soon) the winner will be chosen one i have...1 reply · Last reply almost 12 years ago
Anyone use Indiepublic 28th April 2013Its a bit like facebook but for crafters - I joined up a few years ago but don't use it much as I only know a couple of people on the site. I figured I might use it a bit more if I knew more people. If anyone is a member I'm here...0 replies · Last reply almost 12 years ago
Help on the Dragons Journal 27th April 2013I've started to work on the Dragons Journal again. But I can't decide on what should go in it. I need help. It's supposed to be like a field guide and like the Sheperds Journal from Atlantis. Can anyone help me?0 replies · Last reply almost 12 years ago
Earning online - (little money, for real) 27th April 2013Soo.. this topic is about those websites that make you earn little money doing tasks and watching videos.. It's about one year I use some of them, I'm here to write a little review. Do you use any? Which are they? How much they pay? So... the first I joined was Toluna. You get...1 reply · Last reply almost 12 years ago
I've decided to <3 gymnastics! 26th April 2013So it all started when I was watching toddlers and tiaras in youtube. And when I was watching I saw this nine year old girl doing the splits and she was going to um, go to a cheer leading contest and she was AWESOME!! And she was doing the backflip and cartwheel and all sorts...3 replies · Last reply almost 12 years ago
Old but New 26th April 2013I'm 60 y.o but am just starting to want to do crafts. Stumbled on this site. What in the world is "Steampunk"? I tried to figure it out on my own but could use some help. Julia3 replies · Last reply almost 12 years ago
Amazon Student 26th April 2013So for those of you who use Amazon regularly and also go to college, I was hoping you might check out this link: It's Amazon Student, and it's a half-cost Prime membership...0 replies · Last reply almost 12 years ago
HELP !!!!! STEAMPUNK HELP NEEDED 24th April 2013i have a friend who has a photoshoot comeing up and she has not only asked me to be in it, but help make steam punk costumes. i am a larger, shorter man ( 5'10"), my two friends who are also doing steam punk are a very thin 6' man and a average size ( i hate useing those words...4 replies · Last reply almost 12 years ago
Having problem with a crochet pattern... 23rd April 2013Ok, so the pattern is called a Mildred Lace Pattern and it says that is is Tunisian Crochet and I was wondering if there is a way around using that particular crochet hook. The pattern is light and perfect for the baby blanket I want to make for brand new baby Marley and the...4 replies · Last reply almost 12 years ago
Amazon Has a Coupon Page 23rd April 2013Discovered a coupon page on Amazon while looking for the new Little Mermaid Diamond Edition Video.. my daughters favorite princess.
9 replies · Last reply almost 12 years ago -
URGENT: BLOG - HELP NEEDED 22nd April 2013Hiya!! Please check out my blog and share it ot show it to your friends if you like - it honestly would mean loads to me
And if you have any ideas on how you think I could make my blog stand out more (i.e I'm only 14 so do you think I should 'advertise' tjhat more?) then...
4 replies · Last reply almost 12 years ago -
what is your favorite type of art? 21st April 2013I like Dada and Fauvist art, but if I were to purchase anything it would probably be something more Romantic or Baroque.4 replies · Last reply almost 12 years ago
need books! 20th April 2013okay so i'm 11, i like to read, and i don't really like adventure books. Recently i've been having a hard time finding something to read. im in 5th grade,almost 6th and don't enjoy things like harry potter,cause it's to hard to follow(im kinda lazy
) but don't like baby stuff....
8 replies · Last reply almost 12 years ago -
Un-Natural Coloured Hair. 12th April 2013So as I am currently in my bed with a bunch of dye on my head I was wandering, Who here on CO+K has had or does have un natural hair colours? I'm currently dyeing my hair a rainbow of Yellow,Green, turquoise, pink and purple. I'd love to see / read about your colours!15 replies · Last reply almost 12 years ago
Congratulations Tom and Cat! 12th April 2013Come congratulate Tom and Cat on their video !! You two are AMAZING!! And It already is the top Crafting site for all of us -cutouandkeep members!16 replies · Last reply almost 12 years ago
how to make lists 9th April 2013yeah.... i have no clue... help? pleace?1 reply · Last reply almost 12 years ago
What about Baseball caps? (Challenge) 8th April 2013A little bed for the cat
Photo frame! So you have to hav four baseball caps and put the cap n the cap on he cap and again on th cap an again. Sew them together stitch photos
3 replies · Last reply almost 12 years ago
Any ideas on how to "start" a sketchbook?
Small Talk
WORKIING HARD, Dato Sri Darren Yaw
PEACE..Dato Sri Darren Yaw
Mistakes can be made but we shoukd be quick to fix them,learn from them and not repeat them Dato Sri Darren Yaw
Dato Sri Darren Yaw
How does Darren Yaw Gcg spend his time alone?
Darren Yaw Gcg Feel Old
Darren Yaw Gcg Driving
Any ideas on how to "start" a sketchbook?
WORKIING HARD, Dato Sri Darren Yaw
PEACE..Dato Sri Darren Yaw
Mistakes can be made but we shoukd be quick to fix them,learn from them and not repeat them Dato Sri Darren Yaw
Dato Sri Darren Yaw
How does Darren Yaw Gcg spend his time alone?
Darren Yaw Gcg Feel Old
Darren Yaw Gcg Driving
Darren Yaw Gcg Email