need books!
okay so i'm 11, i like to read, and i don't really like adventure books. Recently i've been having a hard time finding something to read. im in 5th grade,almost 6th and don't enjoy things like harry potter,cause it's to hard to follow(im kinda lazy ) but don't like baby stuff. hope u can help!
Try reading books by Elizabeth George Speare and Ann Rinaldi. Both are great writers for girls in your age group. I'm 27 and still enjoy reading those writers. Also Louisa May Alcott has some great books I loved when I was your age. 8 Cousins and the sequal A Rose in Bloom being my favorites and the Anne of Green Gables stories by L.M. Montgomry are also great for girls, My sister is your age and she just finished reading The Little White Horse by Elizabeth Goudge. You might also like the Shoe series by Noel Streatfeild.
At your age I really enjoyed the books of Roald Dahl.
I absolutely adored the Secret Garden by Francis Hodgeson Burnett - its one of the classics so it should be easy to pick up cheap and has a great story. Also the Solitaire Mystery by Jostein Gaardner was really enjoyable. Its a bit quirky and different to anything else I've read. I've not been overly taken by any of his other stuff though but that one was really nice.
I LOVE roald Dahl!!! You HAVEto read it. You have to read char hie and the chcolate factory and boy tales of child hood! The Charlie and the chcolate factory is more fun when you read I not watch th movie. And kit runner is also nice so is Peter Pan and the secret rundoon.
Roald Dahl, Anne of Green Gables, are Great! Suggestions. Great for kids! and!! Ramona the Pest series are awesome! I loved those.
A newer book is 13 Treasures, its a Fairy book, I loved it. And Beautiful Creatures, although I think they are along the 8th grade level. "Teen" novels are so much fun still. Never get too old to pick a book that you think might be "childish" your inner child might like it more than you ;)
I agree
I will be 30 this summer and just re-read The Witches By Roald Dahl and it was so good!
Also Ballet Shoes by Noel Streatfeild (I know thats already here)
the R.L Stine Goosebumps and Point Horror series
Lauren x
Ruby Red, Sapphire Blue and Emerald Green by Kirstin Gier are really really nice books. It's kinda adventure but it's really easy to read and it's funny and romantic and exciting. Altogether it's about 1000 pages and I read it only in 4 days, and, I'm not a big reader at all. You should really try it!
oh my god,i didn't think i'd get so many replies thank you so much!
p.s.krista, i love ramona the pest!
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