He is gone

By the time anyone reads this, my dog will be dead. He's being put down today. Thank you for all your prayers, but my best friend is nothing but a memmory now, and a part of me has died with him....

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6 replies since 5th August 2011 • Last reply 5th August 2011

Happy my deepest sympathies. have you decided what to do with his body? burial, cremation, pet cemetery, stuffed, turned into jewellery?

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Cremation, and when I say I will never see him again, I literally mean I will never see him again, we don't have a grave, or an urn for him, my parents desided that the docter should keep him...

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That's so sad, he's in a better place Happy

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That is so sad, i am so sorry.

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That is so sad, i am so sorry.

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Im so sorry for your loss.Wish I could do more than say Im sorry.

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