trying to find a post

I'm trying to find a post now that the boards have changed, it was the one about where you can buy glasses online for cheaper then in stores? Can anyone find it/know where it has gone?

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4 replies since 2nd August 2011 • Last reply 2nd August 2011

I've used a couple of times and I've always been happy with the results.
In fact, when one pair went missing in the mail during the bad weather & they sent out a replacement no problem. The first pair turned up eventually so now I've got a spare spare pair! lol

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Found it! It's called Do you wear glasses? It's on the Chit Chat board. I bumped it up a bit.

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nice. my opticians appointment is due, £27 just to have my eyes tested. i definately need/want new glasses as im 90% sure the ones i have are giving me migraines. the nose parts and the ear parts. I had a spare (different) pair but when i put them on it felt like they were a different prescription because they felt and looked different. my glasses also sit weirdly on my face, apparently too low, but that is where they slide to, and if i force them up it feels like they are literally in my eyes.

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cool thanks Happy
now if someone has a replacement for the dentist....

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