All dogs go to heaven
My dog that I've had Since third grade, is dying of cancer. We've desided to put him down. For years I took advantage of him being around, And about a week ago I relized That he is my best friend. Me, my family and my dogs need prayers. My other two dogs look at him as an older brother. And everytime I think about saying goodbye to him forever, I cry uncontrollable.
So any way can you pray for us....
Edit: My dog knows what's happening, I can see it in his eyes. He won't eat anything. I feel so helpless, becuse I can't tell him it will be ok, and then make him believe he's gonna live. Or something like that. We really need prayers. Please....
I will pray for you, I know how hard it is to lose a family member like that its so hard.Hold on tight, and rember all the good times you had.I have been there and I still miss my little sugar so much.
Your in my prayers.
i know what you mean its sad i have a dog and when she dies its gonna make me wanna die with her
i will pray 4 u
Same here. I'll pray for you when that time comes.
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