
159 replies since 27th March 2007 • Last reply 27th March 2007

Hello to you opposites-girl.Happy

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Hello! Just ran across this site...yesterday I think...and I was just hooked on looking at all the amazing projects...ended up getting sick on starbursts actually, ate about 30 to make a bracelet

Anyway I hope to make some friends and make some stuff (to put it bluntly, I'm not good at being blunt, tend to ramble) lol

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Thanks! Welcome Grant & Libbie W.! Happy

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hey folks! I stumbled on here looking for a knitting pattern and decided to stay and settle in.

so I'm a knitter (obviously!), a knitwear designer, a shuttle tatter (just barely--trying to get basics down), and a gluten free baker. I also dabble occasionally in handdyeing yarn and jewelry making. I'm also a musician and a maths major, although I'm considering dropping both of those and focusing full time on knitwear design.

I can also solve any slider puzzle in under thirty seconds, and leap small ottomans in a single bound. and, in case you're curious, my name rhymes with 'specimen'.

and if anyone here is on Ravelry, you can find me there as Jesh. Happy

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its so nice to be in a forum that isn't filled with a bunch of dumb boys! you all seem like lovely people.
my name is Kearyn and I live in Wyoming. I have lived here for almost a year but I am from Las Vegas and New Mexico mostly. I have lived all over the place.
I came across this site through a bulletin posted on myspace by Bernie Dexter saying she had giving beauty advice on the snippets. I looked at all the issues then all the crafts and deiced to sign up.
my interests and what-not are on my profile if you care to know anymore about me.

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Welcome Libby, Sounds of Vision, Jessamyn and Kearyn J Happy

It's great to have more creative people around Happy There are a few guys on here, but they don't post as regular in the forum as us girlies. They wouldn't fall in the dumb boys category either lol
So it's all good.

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Welcome to the site everyone, it's so good to have you.

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hi. im new. im english. and i love this site.x

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Hi everyone! Just joined yesterday and actually only was able to look at a few of the crafts so I thought I would check out everything else today. Im Jennifer, 26 from Ontario Canada. I live with my dh, Derek and our 2 beautiful children, Parker who will be 2 in a couple months and our almost 6 month old Abbygale. I love to craft and Ive been learning to sew since last october. Cant wait to get to know some other crafters Happy

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I'm Rachel. I live in the United States (Oregon) and edit comic books for a living. I'm also a writer, editor, and metalworker. Whee!

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Welcome Beatrice, Tigerbaby1981 and Rachel e Happy Hope you have fun looking through all the cool projects and maybe popping up some of your own Happy

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i'm donna, i am 23 and i graduated last year from the school of the art institute of chicago with an emphasis in Fiber material Studies, i did mostly sculpture though, and now i am trying to figure out what to do with my life Happy

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Hello everyone. I'm Amelia, a 19 year old theatre student attending Sheridan College for technical production, to clarify as a lot of people dont actually understand what I am studing, I study lights, audio, set construction, paint techniques, prop making, stage management and costuming. We are currently getting ready to open 2 shows, Urinetown (yes its a musical about pee) and Jerome Kern which is a musical revue, I'm especially giddy right now as I have been making dresses for about 2 days now and I'm done one and a half, theyre pretty. Currently I live about half an hour from Toronto Canada. I am a vergetarian, for 6 years, and I love all the simple recipes I have gotten off this website, very yummy. I also enjoy in my spare time baking, beading and sewing. I look forward to talking with everyone!

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I'm Chelsea, I'm 16 and am a sophomore at Fargo South High. I've been on this site since February 11th, I just wanted to say hiHappy

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hi everyone I'm rin and I have occaisional bursts of craftyness much in the same way as you can have occaisional caffeine highs. One minute you're whizzing around doing fifty things at once and then next you're slumped in a chair thinking my god how did I do that?

Anyway hi everybody

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