33 replies since 23rd July 2010 • Last reply 23rd July 2010

As many have said before, PETA is a little too aggressive for me. Its an annoying thing to be looked down upon just because I like steak and chicken.
Their sense of passion is borderline hate.

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I have been a vegetarian 5 years and a vegan for 3? i think..Anyway, when I first switched I was a member on PETA, they do provide a good support system for when your starting but they are WAY TOO rude and do not promote the good things vegetarianism stands for.
They say for the ethical treatment of animals but PETA is downright rude to people. That only pushes them away and makes them want to eat meat. Everyone needs to make the choice on their own in their own time.
My husband, bros gf and mother in law are all vegetarians because of me Happy Once people learn how their food is being processed and the health benefits of eating vegetarian why wouldn't they switch? Happy

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This is going to sound very backwards and kind of awful, but I quit being a vegetarian because of PETA. I love animals and I agree that the modern methods of raising them for food are terrifying and disgusting, but PETA was too much for me. I was a vegetarian for a year and a half before joining PETA, but after realizing how exaggerated everything is to the point of lies I felt it was a lost cause. If the only way to achieve anything was by lying to those looking at you for support, then I didn't want anything to do with it.

I don't mean to offend anyone who is a part of PETA, I do love what they stand for. I just can't participate in something that I have to question with each decision that is made.

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This is interesting:

Where do they get the blood? Either (a) buy it and therefore contribute to the industry or (b) kill some reptiles. note, it isn't paint- it's blood.

Hypocracies like this, along with their release of Mink in Europe making several species near extinct (which is NOT animal loving any way you look at it) are why i support other organisations.

By dishonesty i don't just mean exaggerated posters, I mean stupidity killing off all the small mammels and amphibians in a habitat- in the name of protecting 'cute' 'pet shaped' type animals.

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Wow Squizita.. I never knew they did things like that.. I'm really shocked and expected better from PETA than that..

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I've been vegetarian for almost 20 years and vegan for 6 of the 20. I support veganism but PeTA is notorious for using hate and fear to influence younger vegetarians to promote their own agenda. Far too many times have I seen PeTA encourage hatred and fear of larger people or even the less-than-gorgeous, portraying vegetarians as beautiful, thin, and young. The reality is vegetarians come in all sizes, shapes, styles, ages, and genders. I may have a bit more respect for PeTA if they didn't market vegetarianism to people as if we were all 15 years old. Frankly, I can't stand PeTA and few vegetarians grew up more alone than I did (I'm from the UP of Michigan and was the only true vegetarian in a ~150 mile radius).

Fellow veggies, we don't need this kind of manipulation; life is already too full of it to support more. We can get support and live full, vegetarian/vegan lifestyles without becoming PeTA's puppets. They are great at making themselves sound all-important; indeed, I did get involved with them as a teen. The problem is they are far too dehumanizing to even their fellow vegetarians to be taken seriously. Once one gets past the scare and shock tactics, it's all smoke and mirrors.

That said, I have zero intent to go back to a meat lifestyle. We can read labels without them. But if anyone is feeling discouraged, alone, or overwhelmed with their vegetarian lifestyle, feel free to talk to me.

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Nope at orgs like PETA ... radical organizations are a really big no-go. Too polarizing.

Local organizations that are *actually* doing something for the community e.g. Planned Parenthood, Boys and Girls Club, etc. are the ones that I support.

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Michelle A, that's exactly my point too. A valid organisation doesn't need to make their cause overtly 'sexy' to recruit (indeed it is prejudiced against those they don't feel 'fit in')- neither should they scare people into agreeing with them. If they believe in their cause they should use reason and logic to convince people not scare tactics.

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I think their 'Human Meat' campaign is misguided and misogynistic. It's mainly brutalised naked women packaged in clingfilm (view with caution):,17315,23628,25646,25907,26761,26849,27520,27613,27846,27889,27955&xhr=t&q=peta+human+meat&cp=8&client=firefox-a&hs=SYK&rls=org.mozilla:en-GB:official&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&biw=1024&bih=554

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I Love the whole "SAVE THE ANIMALS" type deal but I just can't go Vegan. I love the taste of meat and would never give it up just to know that a cow didn't die for me. (Cows are my favorite animal) but that's what they're raised for you know. I hunt too but a lot people don't see why it helps. It helps because if we didn't hunt them they'd over populate and then a disease would develope and they'd die off by the thousands. POP no more elk, POP no more antelope, POP no more geese. So I really do love animals but I can't just not eat them.

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In the UK, it's become increasingly popular for people to only eat 'wild' meat (ie hunted meat or livestock that lives semi-wild on moors etc' rather than farmed meat) because then they know the animal has as natural a life as possible. In addition to this, 'natural' environments (heaths, moors, forests) have developed in relation to these animals and hunting (over 1000s of years), without them ironically the ecosystem would change for the worse- for example the plants they eat would run rife and stifle those needed by rare butterflies, birds etc'.

Of course, to do this sustainably means eating meat very differently to how most people do- only once or twice a week at most!

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I find a lot of PeTA's advertising massively offensive and misogynistic. Which is a shame because it was their vegetarian starter kit and meat-free mondays that helped me move to stop eating meat. But this...just ugh.

Trying to teach people to respect animals doesn't give you the right to disrespect women...

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I agree with a lot of people, I think they are way too agressive and they are a little too strict for me. I am not a vegetarian, but I do support the maintainence of habitats and regulation of the food industry and the farms that feed that. Plus I did a bit of extra homework and found a lot of their tactics go against their pro-animal guise. My first semester they came to the college and handed out fliers with pictures of dead pigs. A little too extreme for me, and it didn't really move me towards a cause i'm already for, just away from them.

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There is actually a documentary about the woman that runs peta ...i forgot what its called. But i saw it a few years ago on HBO, and it explained a lot of things that i had issues with about peta. Maybe its on Youtube?

She is VERY extremeist, and lives & breathes the organization & animals (in kindof a scary/crazy/psycho way). She never stops. I really think she's lost all hope of relating to anyone other then vegan-extremists like her. Mostly she didnt even relate to people at all. She was a lil nutty. Which i think is a big part of why peta got so fucked up, and lost their way in relating/helping others understand.
...if u ever find that documentary. Watch it. IT was eye-opening.

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To me, PETA are living examples of why the end does not justify the means. They have actually caused more feeling against their cause here than for because their methods can NOT be justified. How many of you own a pet, for example? That cute dog, cat, gerbil or even stick insect makes you anathema to PETA. So, if they ever did get their way, we'd have millions of animals without homes, since they want pet ownership banned. What do we do with them?

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