Help!! Teardrop shaped Strawberries

This year all my strawberries ar tiny and funny shaped, sorta teardrop shaped. I have a ton of blossoms but thee just aren't turning out at all. Any suggestions on what I'm doing wrong??

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1 reply since 26th June 2010 • Last reply 26th June 2010

Hi Krafty. You don't say if you are growing them indoors or out. It makes a bit of difference. I used to grow them outdoors and made sure there wern't to many shoots on each plant. About 5 or 6 maximum. Maybe you have too many blooms and it is taking away nutrients that will go to make the fruit. I used to trim mine back a bit especially if they were 2nd or 3rd season plants. I had a simular problem with plums and I just cut the tree back a bit. My crop was low that year but the next year all my friends got jam. Hope this helps. I've put a link on that has some good tips.

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