Craft Area Organization

Hello all!

I've been a multi-facteted crafting queen since I could coordinate my hands to do anything! And thus I've accumulated lots of supplies, tools, and materials. I'm also usually quite an organization nerd but my over abundance of stuff just makes me too crazy to get any kind of organized system coherent enough to last.

BUT I'm moving into a new space where I can designate an area for my crafting...

Does Anyone have any organization suggestions or pics of their craft spaces to share?

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2 replies since 2nd June 2010 • Last reply 2nd June 2010

I can't help you with organisation, my room is a tip and that is WITHOUT my crafty supplies (though I don't have THAT many to be honest!!) so I can't help you there, or even with a crafty space. However there are some creations and how-to's on CO+K based on people making their own little crafting stations, area's desk type things.

Such as:

I'm sure there are other examples within CO+K and on the Net.

I hope this helps!!!

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Another crafter on here had a simular situtation and posted a question on the boards. There's loads of information and suggestions that you may find useful.

Here's the link.

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