I'm like 50% sure...

that this is a green or eco topic. I really like everyone on this website and I'm hoping you all can help me out.

Food Not Bombs. I'm thinking about starting a chapter in my town... but am unsure. Any tips? Should I do it?

Some information; A Food Not Bombs chapter would consist of people collected surplus food from different sources in town to provide vegetarian and vegan meals to the hungry. I would hope we could be successful in this enough to provide a hot meal once a week.

I'm only seventeen. I have a group of people willing to back up all efforts toward this... but I'm heading the crusade. =( Will people take me seriously?

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7 replies since 6th August 2010 • Last reply 6th August 2010

alright-y missy aren't you supposed to be cutting back on your clubs to make more time for art.this sounds like a very big undertaking unless this is something that fits into your plans why not donate to your local food bank

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Ok...I was just looking at the website for the one in Orlando (I've never heard of this movement) and I'll have to agree with the court's ruling...sort of.

"We accept that Orlando Food Not Bombs had the requisite expressive intent, but we believe that the feedings in this case present at most an ambiguous situation to an objective reasonable observer...Just feeding people in the park is conduct too ambiguous to allow us to conclude that a great likelihood exists that an objective reasonable observer would understand that the feeders are trying to convey a message. "

I was wondering what the message "food not bombs" meant too. I was wondering what Bombs had to do with it. Maybe if you're really motivated in helping the hungry, and want to be take seriously, join a group that is already established and get started from there. See if you have a food bank or a meals-on-wheels or homeless shelter you can "practice" with. When you get a feel for it, and have a little experience then see if you can try to open your own chapter. It would be sad to try to undertake such a big responsibility just to have it fold. Not trying to say you can't, or area unable to do it...just take baby steps so when you do endeavor into your own chapter, you'll know exactly how to keep it running.

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@ BluFairy... You're right! You've caught me red handed. I'm addicted to starting projects like this.

I think the difference between a food bank and FNB is the message. I guess I'll have to find a way to articulate that message because I'm at a loss for the right words right now. Getting some practice in is a good idea. It would be sad if we tried to build something and it collapse because it lacked the proper planning.

Maybe I should pass the torch with someone with more time.

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i can see im going to have to keep a close eye on you. lol.

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Yes, the message is a little obscure. Maybe when you get started on your own, you should alert the media in your town so they can write up a story on what you're doing. Also, rather than just a banner with the foundation name, you can have a set of fliers printed up with your message. Deliver some to the business owners of your town. Also, I don't know if the Wal-Mart in your town donates to specific groups like this, but I know Wal-Mart donates a lot to the community. You should maybe talk to someone there.

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Personally, I'd never heard of this movement before and knew immediately what the name "Food Not Bombs" was supposed to mean--that instead of worrying about war and negativity in the world, we should be working to make the world a more positive place, and a great way to do that is to feed the hungry, especially with healthy veg. meals. Happy

I was going to say GO FOR IT, but I see that you have an addiction. ;) Either way, we have faith in you. I'm sure that if you really want to do this, it will stick in your mind, and eventually you WILL do it.

Good luck either way! :-D

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Maybe you should do it only on concerts or festivals?That way you would have time for other things too.

The festivals where we go there are a group of friends that do FNB and if there is enough people its not really hard to make it work.
They collect food from local market places and stores and make yummy food for the festival guests and people that live in that town.

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