Hey lovely's...I'm Ashley.
- I'm a unique concoction of goth/punk/grunge looks and tastes. I love to draw ...my dream is to become a tattoo artist.
- My other passions include music & crafting. I do random arts and crafts daily to keep my sanity from aspergers syndrome. I love creating and inventing new weird things.
- Right now i mostly make re-fashioned clothes, and Plushies from my favorite movie/cartoon characters.
- I sing/listen to music more than i actually talk to people, and i craft more than i buy things. If i want something, i stop at nothing to figure out how to make it for free!
- I'm also a longtime Vegetarian, animal lover, and all around good-natured person. It's just too bad that i have a dark, twisted, and morbid loving mind. Muahaha! So oddities and freaks you r all welcome to be my friends!
-25 years old
-Hair color changes frequently, right now it's blue & purple.
- I have curves. :3
______-______**Other Things I Like**_______-______
* Music/People: Tim Burton, Korn, Nirvana, Smile Empty Soul, Fuel, Kurt Cobain, Rob Zombie, Salvador Dali, Johnny Depp, Johnen Vasquez... my bearded-dragon Bruce.
* Movies: Mostly Horror and cartoons
* Also Obsessed with: Bugs, Moths, anatomy/bones, Pigs, Fruit Bats, coffins, things in jars, Japan, concerts, Tattoos/Body Modification, Dreadlocks, gorey/gross stuff.
+ Tim Burton Swap
+ Ongoing ATC Swap (multiple times)
+ ATC Challenge (was cheated/FLAKED ON by "BEATRICE!")
+ HappyGrams (multiple times)
+ Alice In Wonderland Swap
+ Halloween Theme ATC Swap
+ Adventure Time Swap
+ Goth Swap
- I'm a unique concoction of goth/punk/grunge looks and tastes. I love to draw ...my dream is to become a tattoo artist.
- My other passions include music & crafting. I do random arts and crafts daily to keep my sanity from aspergers syndrome. I love creating and inventing new weird things.
- Right now i mostly make re-fashioned clothes, and Plushies from my favorite movie/cartoon characters.
- I sing/listen to music more than i actually talk to people, and i craft more than i buy things. If i want something, i stop at nothing to figure out how to make it for free!
- I'm also a longtime Vegetarian, animal lover, and all around good-natured person. It's just too bad that i have a dark, twisted, and morbid loving mind. Muahaha! So oddities and freaks you r all welcome to be my friends!
-25 years old
-Hair color changes frequently, right now it's blue & purple.
- I have curves. :3
______-______**Other Things I Like**_______-______
* Music/People: Tim Burton, Korn, Nirvana, Smile Empty Soul, Fuel, Kurt Cobain, Rob Zombie, Salvador Dali, Johnny Depp, Johnen Vasquez... my bearded-dragon Bruce.
* Movies: Mostly Horror and cartoons

* Also Obsessed with: Bugs, Moths, anatomy/bones, Pigs, Fruit Bats, coffins, things in jars, Japan, concerts, Tattoos/Body Modification, Dreadlocks, gorey/gross stuff.
+ Tim Burton Swap
+ Ongoing ATC Swap (multiple times)
+ ATC Challenge (was cheated/FLAKED ON by "BEATRICE!")
+ HappyGrams (multiple times)
+ Alice In Wonderland Swap
+ Halloween Theme ATC Swap
+ Adventure Time Swap
+ Goth Swap
Find DarkAshHurts on
OtherRecent Activity
- entered Savory Cocktails 06 Nov 12:47
- entered One-Hour Cheese 06 Nov 12:47
- entered Origami Animal Sculpture 06 Nov 12:45
- entered Homemade Nail Polish 06 Nov 12:43
- entered Mason Jar Crafts 06 Nov 12:40
- entered Sweet Debbie's Organic Treats 06 Nov 12:39
- entered her project Skull Sweatshirt to Mr. Micknit 06 Nov 12:37
- entered Rustic Chic Wedding 06 Jun 19:28
- entered Cheers to Vegan Sweets! 06 Jun 19:21
- commented on Mystic Corset 06 Jun 19:09
- commented on Skull Sweatshirt 03 Jun 08:55
- published her project Pentagram Or Baphomet Necklace 03 Jun 05:28
CO + K User
Swaps are where you make & trade things with other people on the site. If you go to the "Boards" section of the site, there is a Swap category there with all the info. People make up a themed Swap (like Tim Burton swap, to make Burton related items), & you join to get a partner from the site to make the things for, & mail them to eachother. They're pretty fun. If you'd like to try one, they have a "Newbie" swap on there where someone will teach you.
Working on the teeth was a lot of fun actually, glad you liked it!
Oops I must have forgotten to include the how to note. Anyway, you place the flowers with the rough side down ( onto the fabric you want it to adhere to ) then you iron over it, from side to side for a few seconds. Let it cool before removing the backing or it won't stay on.
Frequently changing hair color FTW!
Its always different with these colors, turquoise lasts long but turns to a greenish shade sometime.
Thanks for the welcome
CO + K User
CO + K User
CO + K User
Glad you liked the umbrella, thanks for the comment
I will try to make a How-To but it will take some time since I'm right now working on a frock-coat, a vest and a jabot...
I hope to find some time after these things are finished~
i LOVE you converse etching btw
I haven't tried it yet, but I'm going to
have a nice fun week.;-D
thanks for marking my death note keychain as your favourite^_^
And to answer your question: The most practical thing about Hector is that he eats nothing but attention. So it takes just some staring-time to feed him. And an occasional hug :3
But who doesn´t need that from time to time?
Well lady, I just used fimo. The eyeballs were pretty easy to make from the clay. Then I just wrapped the red fimo around the eyeballs, and shaped it to make veins and gore