Tattoos & Piercing

319 replies since 10th October 2007 • Last reply 10th October 2007

Here's a peek...

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ooh pretty.

I love the sugar skulls, are they actually called that, I can't remember the meaning behind them now.

I designed my next tattoo well the first proper draft can't wait now Happy

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as im 12 i only have my earlobes pierced but i want to get them double pierced SO BAD!! maybe next year though....i also would want 2 ge a tattoo if only wasnt as afriad of needles

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I'm 16 and already have a tattoo, yay! Its a little lady bug crawling up my ankle! I wouldve gotten it sooner but 16 is the youngest you can get them in my city..state thing idk

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it doesn't really look like a needle.

The legal age every where in the UK is 18. I think it is the right age because then you're supposedly an adult able to make the right choices. The lady bird sounds cool though Chelsea, I'm so glad I never got a tattoo at 16 wouldn't have been able to I dont think but I would have had a really big heart with wings that doesn't sound so wonderful now lol

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Here's my latest

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ooh noo

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Haha nice one =P

Well I was going to get my ear pierced again tomorrow (I only have one lobe done) but my whole anemia thing has kicked in so I'm really dizzy and getting head rushes and keep collapsing, so it's probably not a good idea to get a needle stuck through my ear =(

But yeah, they don't look like NEEDLES as such. I have a massive syringe phobia, but I'm fine with piercing and tattoo needles, I gather tattoo ones look kinda like pens and piercing ones just look like giant sewing needles

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yeh a pen with a motor on it that makes it go in and out really quickly...mmmmaybe that's not a good thing to say to someone with a phobia of sharp things. I had mine numbed when I had a touch up because every other time I fainted, the numbing was a very good idea, if I can't feel it I don't think about what's going on, it's not very nice to imagine or watch it. I think my body just says 'YOU'RE CRAZY' to my head and then I faint! Anything like this is a bit scary I just get rushes and rushes of adrenaline it's not the pain because it doesn't hurt that much.

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I have a nose ring and the left side of my tongue pierced.

I don't have any tattoos, but I'm planning on tattooing a paper crane.

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I did really want a tattoo last week. Infact I still want one.. It's just the one I was going to get I discovered has been adopted by Elliot Smith for his band art or something and now I worry that everytime someone sees it they'll go "OH WOW YOU'RE AN ELLIOT SMITH FAN?!" and i'll be like "no! It's from my favourite children's book ever." It's not like I hate Elliot Smith, I've never even knowingly heard his music (I get him confused with Ed Harcourt) I just don't want people to make assumptions about me that aren't true.

PS, this is the image that I would've got:

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That's pretty =)

Well I got my ear done cause I was feeling okay this morning. I got it without numbing stuff and although it REALLY hurt at the time, the pain went away in an hour or so, whereas with numbing stuff it starts hurting after about an hour and it's a really horrible pain. And actually, I didn't faint this time - even when she showed me my ear covered in dripping blood. I'm glad I got it done though and the woman was really lovely =) and she made sure I had a lot of sugar before

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yeh I want my nose done but I mess with my nose far too much and sometimes people won't give you a job because of it etc etc

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I must say, getting your nose pierced hurts A LOT. :|

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It makes your eyes water but I mean after a while it'll be fine.

I say this, but the day my piercing fell out in a swimming pool and promptly closed over was brilliant. I don't think I suited it that well, even though people tell me I was on of the only people they'd seen who didn't look like a pig with one.

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