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Recreate Frida Kahlo's bedroom in #DIYTheRoom with Shannan from Bobbin & Fred.
Frida Kahlo’s face is everywhere! We’ve all seen her adorned in flowers, unibrow and moustache on proud display in defiance of our Western ideals of femininity, but how many of us have ventured into her home to see how she lived? A virtual tour round Frida’s summer home, La Casa Azul (the Blue House), shows a riot of colour, pattern and natural woods. It’s a beautiful space and one I wanted to honour and add to. I think Frida would’ve loved the modern craft movement and, although we can see how her bedroom looked back in the 50s, this is how I imagine it might look today. I’ve included splashes of the vibrant colours Frida already has in her home, large blooms she decorated her hair with so why not her lampshades and, even a miniature marionette theatre because Frida used to make her own puppets as well as paint! Frida learned to paint from her bed and was often confined to it for months at a time so I’ve added a crochet quilt, comfy Mexican look cushion, vases for her paintbrushes and, a jewellery display. Frida had a beautiful view into her garden from her bed, so I couldn’t resist adding some mosaic pot plants. I love these warm, homely touches that evoke a sense of Mexico and La Casa Azul and hope Frida would have done too.