This week we visit Sarah from Look What I Made in her lovely home in Vienna, Austria to see where she lives and crafts.
"My favourite thing is that the room is so big. Although we have a huge area to relax and the dinning table in this one room, it still leaves me with enough space to craft big things on the floor."
Is this also your work space?
For crafting this is my room. (The kitchen for food and baking of course.) I create everything mainly here: from paper projects to knitting to even painting furniture. We (my boyfriend and I) live in a flat on the rooftop. This room is actually the reason why we rented this appartment. It's huge and through the 3 rooftop windows very bright. It's 35 m² and our living and dining room in one. This is very nice because I can sit on the couch and create a friendship bracelet or read magazines and blogs for inspiration but also sit at the table and draw or work on bigger projects on the floor. However it is also what I don't like about the room: because it's not only for crafting, I have to tidy up after finishing or even pausing a project.
What have you done to make your space cosy, beautiful or inspiring?
I always keep some of the things I made on display. This gives the room a personal touch and gives me the opportunity to be delighted by my crafts. Like the title of my blog suggest, I'm quite proud of the things I make...?I also try to keep fresh flowers and plants around. I find it relaxing and inspiring the colours, the smell, the shapes.
How do you keep organized?
This is a big issue and a constant struggle for me. My boyfriend acutally likes it more organized than me and with my blog I have much more stuff to work with. However I have a system that works for me: drawers. I have a drawer for paper, one for fabric, one for all kind of glues and tape and so on. I know which drawer they are in and it's not to time-consuming to put it back.
Any tips & tricks for organising supplies?
I once read that if you had to look for a product put it back to the place where you first started to search. This is genious! I really admire people with own craft rooms and very well organized places. Since I do all my crafts in the living room and store my supplies in the bedroom, this is not (yet) for me. However I think it's best if you have everything in sight. The roll containers I use are therefore almost see-through.
Which are your favourite possessions and are there any of your own creations on display?
My favourite possession is the 60s sideboard that I bought just this winter. I'm so happy about the size, look and design. However as I mentioned I also like the crafts that are on display. The C that lights up and the little bird cages. There are so many it's hard to pick. I almost every time like the one that I just recently made.?
How do you organise your inspiration and ideas?
About a year ago I started a journal. I put all the ideas I have in there in rough drawings. The idea stays in my mind and I develop it over time until I have the need to make it.
Where do you look for inspiration?
I like to look through magazines and the web but basically inspiration comes from everything: nature, a need or an object that I found or bought. I sometimes also do brainstormings with mind-maps around topics. You never know what your mind comes up with until you do so. Try it!
If you had three wishes, what would you do to make it the dream craft space?
My first wish would be to have an own craft space. A room with huge windows where I can plan and create and close the door once I'm done for the day. Where my boyfriend is not allowed in and I decide when and how to clean up. Of course it would also be much more organized with nice shelfs and boxes and roll containers. Oh, I can see it in front of my eyes...
Check out Sarah's blog, Look What I Made »

Loved your blog. Your ideas are amazing and I just had to go through all the categories. I'm probably going to be spending a lot of time on your blog. Was just checking out another interesting blog:

Strawberry Anarchy
Edinburgh, Scotland, GB
57 projects
very pretty, love looking into craft rooms

Anna H.
Kassel, Hesse, DE
243 projects
I love the new craft room section. I'm always curious about how other people deal with interior and decoration and this totally satisfies my inner stalker ;)