Candy Swap

72 replies since 13th February 2012 • Last reply 13th February 2012

And I guess I don't have to blame the customs officers anymore! There were no empty wrappers to be had! Tee Hee! =3

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Oh yay! So glad it got there! I was getting super worried! Hopefully its not too broken up and melty and you enjoy the chocolate and toffees and sweeties! I tried to include things that were very english- like the tradictional english toffee and the lemon sherberts (Dumbledores favourite!). Glad you like the handmade stuff too- I can see you already filled the pouch up with candy, nom nom nom! Good swap! x

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Is everyone else all ok/ no issues with their swaps?

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Oh dear Hayley did you have to eat an easter egg so you'd have the foil for the box?

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I think Jeanette's package has arrived, I have a call card from the mail man but unfortuntely won't be able to go collect it till Saturday morning Happy I went on wednesday after work and due to unforseen circumstances they had closed early, I was so dissapointed! I'll be there bright and early on saturday Happy

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Yes. i HAD to eat the easter egg!

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Hehe, yes, I'm sure that must have been TERRIBLE. =P

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Hayley all that stuff looks amazing - I love the ring Happy

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I got my package from Jeanette today, I love everything, thanks so much, especially the big packet of mint oreos - my favourites!

<a href="" title="P3300110 by mararj, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="375" alt="P3300110"></a>

I love the candy badges and the sprinkles heart necklace is a great idea!

<a href="" title="P3300107 by mararj, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="375" alt="P3300107"></a>

Thanks again Happy

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Thanks everyone for a great swap!!! I had lots of fun hosting it and seeing what everyone received ^___^

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Mmmm, Minty things! Nom nom!! Hayley, the candies you sent are being attacked! I've finished the wine gums, jelly tots and randoms. So good!!! I also broke into the Dairy Milk chocolate and it's delicious!!! I'm trying to be good and not annihilate everything.... Yummy!!!

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Haha i understand completely! everything you sent me only lasted about a week !

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I got my awesome swap from Tamara the other day. Thank you sooooo much. I love it all. The kindle eggs and bath thing got smoosh, but it's okay still love them just the same. Thank you for all the awesomeness. I really don't feel that I sent you enough stuff after looking at everyone's and what you sent me. I think when I get money again I'm going to send you another package of goodies.

Now onward to the pictures of awesomeness
<a href=";current=candy1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

<a href=";current=candy2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

<a href=";current=candy3.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

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