Candy Swap

72 replies since 13th February 2012 • Last reply 13th February 2012

Hi Girls,

So it's looking like this will not be a big international swap as I first planned as there just hasn't been the interest Happy

Oh well! UK girls- Can you let me know if you're ok to swap local or if you really want to send to Europe.


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I can hop in from the States, if you'd like one of us to add to the mix. =3

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Thanks Gypsie- if we can can one more euro or usa girl we've got a decent swap on our hands! I'll keep you posted. x

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Gypsie posted over on fb and talked me into it. I haven't done a swap over here for a long time, due to one of the last ones ending badly, so please be gentle.

Name: Jeanette

Location : USA

International/Local: International is fine

Candy/Chocolate preferences and allergies: I have no allergies. I would love to get my hands on a kinder egg. I have a thing for taffy or chewy candies. I also like dark chocolate and chewing gums/ bubble gums.

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Hurray! Thanks Jeanette, I will try and make it as painless for you as possible and sign you up with someone I have had experience with Happy

And thanks Gypsie for saving my swap! We now have 3 UK girls, 1 Euro girl and 2 USA girls. Deadline is end of today, we may even get a few las minute sign ups.

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Yes, I suppose it would've helped, had I filled out the survey! Er hem!! My brain is in here somewhere, I promise!!

Name: Jenna

Location: The States

International/Local: International

Candy/Chocolate preferences and allergies: I'm not allergic to anything, and I love pretty much everything except for licorice!! Bleh! =)I love mint, chocolate of all sorts, gummies, cinnamon.... oh it's just all so good! ^.^

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Uh, me me me! Pick me! I mean, Hayley! Pair me up with Jeannette - I won't let her down, I promise! ^_______^ *runs to the shop to get kinder eggs*.

Uh, we've got no such thing as taffy in Italy though. Jeannette, do you like chocolate? Italy has the second best chocolate in the world! ^________^

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Sorry Mary but you'll have to go with a UK girl if its ok? As you count as international and we only have 3 international 3 UK girls. Otherwise the 2 UK girls have to swap. It'll be

USA Girl vs UK Girl
USA Girl vs UK Girl
UK Girl vs Euro Girl i.e you)

We have kinder eggs in UK though so Jeanette will still get one...sorry! I wish I had more choice but this swap wasn't as popular as I had hoped :'(

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Awwww Hayley, don't worry, it's ok! I love the fact that I count as international for once ^____^

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I'm excited! Can't wait to find out who my partner is Happy

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Maybe next time Mary. I update my candy list so there is more to pick from, but really I'm not very picky Happy

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Posting your swap partners and PM'ing addresses out tommorrow on my lunch, the official send out deadline is now Thursday 15th March. Remember! Once you get your partner, what you send should be a secret but you can post teaser pics on here if you like ^__^

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YaY! Can't wait! =3

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So the partners are:

1. Jeanette and Tamara
2. Mary and Arty Kitkat
3. Gypsie Moon and Hayley

So each UK girl should have someone from over the pond to swap with- phew! Cant wait to see what y'all send the each other- make sure you post some pics ^__^

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I've never swapped with Arty Kitkat! Yay! ^_______^
Kat, I'm going to ask you a personal favour too - my personal stash of ginger nuts (also known as ginger snaps, ginger rolls or ginger bisquits) is running low and I'm already experiencing withdrawal symptoms. I know they don't qualify as "candy", but it would be awesome if you could throw in a packet of those. Pretty please? I need my fix ^____^
In return I can send you whatever you like, especially chocolate! Italian chocolate makes Cadbury's go hide in shame, I swear Happy

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