Zelda Theme Swap!

C'mon - who doesn't love Zelda?! I remember OoT being one of the first video games I ever played, and I've been hooked since! I've recently been playing Skyward Sword, which just started everything back up again! I've wanted to do a swap like this for ages, so here it is!!

Sign Ups will be held until March 31st, partners will be posted on the 1st, and the send out date will be the 22nd of April.

To participate, you must have completed the Newbie vs. Vet Swap! =)

I also have this little survey! ^.^

Name: Jenna
Location: States
International Shipping: Yes
Favorite Zelda Games: OoT, Twilight Princess & Skyward Sword
Favorite Characters: Poes!!!!, Midna, Link & Zelda of course, Ruto, Wolf Link, Kikwis, Shiek & Fairies (the little ones)
Favorite Items: Bottled Items, Spiritual Stones, Deku Shield, Mirror Shield, Keys, Fireshield Earrings, Heart Containers, Dusk & Amber Relics, Evil Crystals, Jelly Blobs
Other: I love doing the little side quests - and, as I said, I love bottled items. =3 I'm terrible at catching bugs, but I run around like a madwoman trying to do it anyway...without squishing them. Er hem. I also like the gossip stones (silly things), and who doesn't love a good treasure chest now and again?!

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66 replies since 13th March 2012 • Last reply 13th March 2012

I've never played, but I love the fandom, so I'm gonna join.

Name: Suzanne

Location: States

International Shipping: Yes

Favorite Zelda Games: I've never played.

Favorite Characters: Link

Favorite Items: Bottled items, heart containers, ocarina

Other: I look forward to doing research on your favorite characters, games, and items. I'll be happy with anything I'm sent. Happy

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Two weeks left to sign up! Hopefully we'll get a few more people! ^.^

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Name: Amanda

Location: U.S.

International Shipping: Yes

Favorite Zelda Games: ocarina of time

Favorite Characters: Kaepora Gaebora, Link, Gorons, sheik, fairies Happy

Favorite Items: bottled items, rupee, fairy bow, crystals, potions, treasure chests!

Other: uhm, I love the Deku Tree too! hehe

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YaY Amanda!! Glad to have you! I thought about mentioning it to you, but didn't want it to seem like harassment, since our other swap had just ended. Tee Hee!! ^.^

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No way! I am super excited! I have some cool ideas!!!!! RESIN! is one, hahahahaha I am probably going to start making a couple things....haha

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Only one more week to sign up!! C'mon!!! I'm really surprised that Zelda hasn't gotten more interest!! Just a few more people would be lovely!!!!! ^.^

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Ok Amanda talked me into it, lol. I actually haven't been paying attention to the board lately. Been busy at home Happy Anyway I have't actually played many of the Zelda games because I haven't owned a nintendo since the Super Nintendo! lol We'll ok I do have an old DS but I dont use it a lot anymore. But I love video games <3 and I really liked the Zelda's I have played Happy

Name: Pam
Location:Hawaii, USA
International Shipping: Yes Happy

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yay! thanks Pam! Happy

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Oh PS - I didn't see anywhere on the main post where it said how many items were doing, and what size. Like 5 small, 4 med, 3 large, that kinda thing Happy Also anyway we can speed this up and get partners posted??? I am going crazy thinking of cool things to make and not being able to get started, lol. I want to make sure my partner will like it 1st!

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Yay Pam!! Welcome to the swap!! =3 I didn't specify how many and what size - that will be up to you and your partner! Tee hee! I know how you feel!! I've got so many ideas rolling around in my head!! Only a few more days, though, and I've got two more specific people I want to try and target for this. Tee Hee. Wish me luck!! =)

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@Gypsie Moon, I left a comment on your page a couple days ago Happy hope you got your package, I never did check the tracking number. Happy

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Oh, good heavens, woman! I completely forgot! Yes it came in the mail on Saturday! I'm soooo sorry!! I LOVE it!! Your resin work is so good (and so cute!!!) - Thanks again, and sorry for being a scatterbrain!! >.<

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I'd love to, but just dont know enough about Zelda to do this swap justice! I bet you get a load of last min sign ups though, thats what happened when I did the candy swap- no takers for ages and then the last few joined in the last day or 2!

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Hehe! That would be nice, Hayley! But I suppose we DO have an even number as it is. Ah well, we shall see! =3

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