Bendy Arms for plushies
I have had a request order for a plushie with bendable arms.
I have never done bendy arms before. If anybody out there has please help.
Any suggestions or certain material I should use?
You can try some thick gauged wire that's not too hard to bend formed from arm to arm inside the plushie. I would think that you can stuff the body and arms first, push the wire through filling of the the upper body area where the arms go and then sew them on after pushing through the filling in the arms.
Hope you understand that.
Or you could use pipecleaners.
Have done both ! I liked the pipe cleaners softer end result and I made hands by looping the ends
I made kiddo a tiny sloth plushie a while back and his arms were bendy - i used crafting pipe cleaners. They're not pipe cleaners in the strict sense of the word - I bought them in wilconsons in the uk and they seem slightly softer than regular pipe cleaners. You just have to be careful than you bend the ends over before fitting them or the wire will poke out.
Okay, I bought some pipe cleaners and some wire. They were both under 5 bucks combined so I'll see how it goes.
Thanks guys!
I used pipe cleaners for the bendy legs and leaf arms on my plushie luck
(probably not helpful, but its funny story) When i made my nail-bunny plushie (its posted in my projects), He had bendable ears.
I didnt have any wire or anything, so i just rummaged through the garage & my dads tools and found some thick electrical wire on a big spool (the kind thats covered in rubber or whatever & goes in walls). IT was really sturdy and tough, and FREE! lol It was perfect! I just cut off the lil bit i needed ...he'll never notice. <.< >.>
I always rummage before i go off & buy things. lol Good Luck.
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