Relationship help??
I agree with Oddbreed. Def. get out of the house and have your own life. When I moved in with my hubby I didn't have a job, consequently he was the only person I really got to interact with. I drove him CRAZY! I was STARVED for human interaction. If you can't find a job, go volunteer, animal shelters always need help. Regardless of what happens with your relationships it sounds to me like you def. need to start having your own life. Once I got a job our relationship got better cause at the end of the day when he's tired so am I and just sitting quietly watching TV sounds really nice.
Side note no girl should ever stay the night when your out. Regardless what he says that's a load of crap. I have NEVER had a slumber party with a guy that was "just" a friend. He is def. hiding something. He may just be hiding the fact that you are needy because your home alone and he is thinking about pursuing another relationship where the girl has something to offer...example new experiences and stuff that happens when you leave the house.
Good luck. Hope everything works out.
Felecity W.- When we had our long talk, he said he was worried because he thought I would be getting stir crazy. And he told me his mom said that he has to think about my situation because he's the only person I have here(for some reason I like burst into tears when I heard that). And he said that when I start working things will get better and I really hope they do.
And I'm really glad you posted on here, because you don't have a storybook perfect relationship and you're not telling me to just break up with him. So, thank you very much.
I didn't tell you to break up with him... You posted a thread asking what to do and I basically said you're the only person that can answer that question, then you got upset when people gave their opinions... The opinions you asked for...
You didn't outline that there were good sides to this relationship so everyone obviously got a different picture to how you see it.
I'm glad you guys spoke and clearly something great will be coming out of it so I wish you guys all the best with your future together x
Are you the only member of your family/friends that lives in the town you do? When I moved to a new state (to get married) I lost all connections I had, it sucked. This is when I didn't have a job and drove my hubby crazy Once I started building my own network we stopped bickering. It wasn't "fighting" it was just TOO MUCH time together.
Honestly though, I think we do have a really good marriage. I think this is because we are honest and talk with each other. When I am mad or upset I tell him and don't wait for him to figure it out. Same with him. Guys are clueless when it comes to reading a girl's emotions and I am NOT patient.
If you do suspect he is cheating and have proof, my advice is to leave him. People don't change in my opinion, and if a guy thinks it's ok the first time and forgiveness is a possibility what's to say there won't be a second time. You deserve someone willing to invest all their love in you.
My boyfriend and I have been together for 6 years and have had very few rough patches. But rough patches are normal for any relationship. My boyfriend's biggest problem was with honesty. The first serious rough patch we had was after he had got back from a boys trip to Denver. He hadn't brought be back a gift but he wanted to get me a puppy so I picked out a puppy breeder I wanted to check out that was near our home and we drove 3 hours to see said puppies. On the way back from picking out our puppy, I picked up his digital camera and found a bunch of pictures from his trip with his ex girlfriend on it. He had decided to not tell me she was there because he thought it would upset me. I was more upset about his not telling me and left to stay with my sister for the rest of the weekend. His brother who had been my best friend in high school was in constant contact with me and kept reminding me that my boyfriend was... himself but that he loved me more than he has ever loved anyone.
The next time we had a rough patch he had started to seriously distance himself from me. We were on about 4 1/2 years in our relationship when he started to pull away. One night he didn't come home or answer his phone or call. I was up all night trying to get a hold of him and crying. I finally got a call from him at about 7 in the morning. He told me he couldn't stand to see me and that there was something wrong with him and that he needed time apart. It was the worst night of my life at that moment. Until a week later when he decided to go to Kansas City to see his brother. He left way earlier than he normally would have- 7 in the morning. I had given him some money to go but he didn't tell me where he was staying and he didn't call me when he got there. I had some suspected a girl he worked with was become too close to him and when I went online to check our phone records to get the number to his hotel, I found he had called her a half an hour after leaving our place- exactly the amount of time it would have taken for him to get to hers) I had called the hotel several times with no answer and his cell as well was a dead end. I finally got a call back from him late at night. He talked to me out in the hotel hallway and swore up and down that she wasn't there with him. I packed my things and left the next day.
Things didn't get better for a while with us. We were apart for 2 months with a few very bad attempts at seeing each other or talking to each other. He took me to the doctor once when I was too sick to work. We had dinner once with bad results and then mother's day came and his mom called me looking for him and I had to tell her that we had broken up. She went into instant alarm, called his brother and had him contact me as well to make sure I was ok. I went through the motions of living like a robot. I ate because I didn't want to relapse into my eating disorder, though I had no desire to eat. I went to work because I had to go to work and it gave me a brief period of time where I was too busy to dwell on it too long. I lost the ability to sleep and would usually only get a couple of hours of sleep before work each day. I started talking to a guy at my work who I had viewed to be "safe" because he was married, only to find out that he was in an open marriage and wanted me for a mistress. When this came out I got upset and worked up enough to call my boyfriend and yell at him for being heartless and not loving me forever like he promised. He started crying and told me he missed me all the time and was only staying away because he thought I didn't want anything to do with him. We started to work out our relationship and got back together. He still maintained that nothing happened between he and said girl he worked with, maintained fully that she never went with him to Kansas. But in December, he was leaving for the east coast for work, and I found an e-mail from her asking for him back and admitting to everything that they had done together. I called her and left a nasty voice mail on her machine and then called him and let him know how sick I was with him. He took it in strides, said he was getting off the plane and coming straight back. I told him to go because I didn't want to see him. He left and we spent the next several days on the phone constantly with each other with him telling me everything. We've decided to have a more open communication with each other. He and I are both in our own ways working on trust. We haven't lived with each other really since I moved out, except for about a month and a half when he was out of town for work. We're a stronger couple.
I think sometimes you have to take a stand for yourself. I had to leave him. There was no living with myself and respecting myself if I had stayed. Your boyfriend telling you that he's worried about you being stir crazy is pathetic in my opinion. If you have one car between the two of you, you should be taking him to work so you can use the car to go out and apply for jobs and be free to set up interviews. You should then pick him up from work and if he thinks you need to get out he should go out with you. If he wants time alone, then schedule time apart (there isn't anything wrong in that) but counter-balance it by scheduling equal time together. And under no circumstances is it ever ok for him to have a girl stay the night with him. If he actually did have her stay the night when you were out of town- the best thing you can do for yourself is leave him and let him know you aren't to be taken for granted. And abuse is not just when a person hits you. Your boyfriend sounds like he's trying to manipulate you, don't let him. If he is having girls stay the night with him when you aren’t there than he is taking advantage of you and being disrespectful both of you and your relationship.
I do believe however, that the biggest strain on your relationship is that you don't have a job. Stop being so picking and start applying at McDonalds if you have to. I would also however suggest you look up the signs of a cheating spouse. I would say by some of the things you've said that you have something to worry about. Even if he hasn't cheated, its possible he's been considering it.
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