Glass Bottles/Vials

Does anyone know where to find small glass bottles (and I mean small enough to fit on a necklace) as well as stout, or old fashioned cork bottles?

Kudos to anyone who knows where I'm going with this Happy

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9 replies since 8th November 2010 • Last reply 8th November 2010

Hi, found this

there a probably other links from it. I had a look at other sites (Alibaba) but they seem to be if you want to buy in bulk...1000 items at once. Ebay looks like the best place to go for smaller quantities.

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Thank you!!!
I wonder if there is another name I could look under to find some?

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I looked under small perfume bottles as well but they didn't look small enough. You could try the words in different order. Cork brings up all sorts of stuff.

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You could search under 'glass vials".I've seen them in Flea markets-Freemont Sunday market in Seattle sells them (at the back of the garage space).
I received a bunch of flowers with plastic vials around the stems-so you could try a florist.

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Tim Holtz (idea-ology)

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Check Etsy. I found a ton of those on there.

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yeah etsy is best but be careful sometimes they arrive broken if the shipping i ssuper cheap

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I'll have to poke around too. I wanted to nab some for Zelda inspired crafties, and other cute charms. ^.^

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I've just found a ton on Ebay, most with free shipping. I just typed in glass vial pendant, and all sizes and shapes popped up! Happy hunting! =)

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