help emily autumn clothes
help does anyone knows where i can find tutorials for me to make emily autumn clothes?
(i am a totally beginner in sewing)
The bloomers are fairly straight forward. Use a plain shorts pattern lengthen (straight down) the leg to about capri pant length and about 4 sizes too big. Fold the top over to make a waistband to thread elastic through. Add lace to the bottom of legs and sew narrow elastic about 5 inches up from the bottom. It's best to sew up the crutch first then the legs.
A lot of her outfits have stripes and are strong colours. She wears fascinators and hair accessories. I think the best way to do an Emilie outfit is to work on the accessories as you can find stuff in second hand shops that you can rip up and alter to fit in. A pair of white tights with holes in and a pair of mis-matched striped knee high socks would look great.
Have a look a Becca K's bustle. I think it would work perfectly.
I will get back to you when I've worked out other bits
thanks i ll try it when i finished with my exams
Good luck with your exams. My daughter just made it to her A level English exam. We live in Bradford and there has been 3 murders were the evil bloke also cut the victims up. He's calling himself the 'Crossbow Cannibal' as he shot them through the head with a crossbow etc........and was studying criminology at Bradford University. Unforturnately he lived nearby one of the 4 schools my daughter goes to. We live half an hour away from there and the school she was taking her exam at is near where we live.
She was at the other school in the morning and had trouble getting to her exam as the police were searching shoulder to shoulder for remains and had closed roads to traffic and there was a major fire on another route.......a really bad day for her. She made it with 10 minutes to spare. I told her to put a note with her paper to explain that she may not have been able to give the paper her full attention. Hope you have a less eventful time with your exams
I hope she writes well i m taking a history exam on Byzantine history ,English, and Christian Religion.Iin greece the marks are 1-20, luckily i have three weeks left and and 8 lessons to finished school and we take our marks ion 25 of june.
I would LOVE to make some of her clothing but I haven't seen tutorials for them anywhere... I shall continue searching the Web till I find something and when I do you will all be the first to know
I feel for you, I took my last exam about 3 weeks ago and I'm dreading the results. I also found out some grades for one of my 100% coursework modules and it's not looking good
i hope you do well in the exams and for emily autumn clothing i came to the conclusion that i need a good tutorial on how to make corsets,bloomers already found that, some striped tides(red and white)
lot of time,practise and imaginecion(luckily i have imaginecion and i can scketch clothes) : ) but yes there are no tutorials in her clothing but if i make something inspired by her i ll make a tutorial : )
Thanks and YAY I shall be looking out for Emilie Autumn inspired stuff!! And likewise if I manage to make something Emilie Autumn style I shall post it on here
Some of my projects are Emilie inspired. All the stripes.....LOL. You could use the corset generator pattern link on my victorian style corset as it's a one piece pattern. It's not as fiddly as my underbust one and you can make it up in most fabrics. Go mad with a bit of tatty lace and hey presto!
GraphixCard from threadbanger forums gave me this link with 5 corset patterns but with no instuction but i have found some youtube tutorials!
I've checked out the corset pattern link. It's quiet a complex pattern for a beginner. If you decide to use it message me and I can walk you through the construction. Have a look at the instructions on my underbust corset as it will give you some idea of using a panelled corset pattern. It's a beautiful design so it's been added to my favourites bar. Thanks for the link
Have a look at Emilie's official site for costume ideas.
i have made a scetch of i want my corset to be i will use the elizabeth corset generator no boning and i m going to sew on the black line to make it look like its not one pice sceth
That's a good idea. Make it from a fairly stiff fabric and add bits of tatty lace panels to get the layered look
I m thinking of making the top(outside) layer using a black cotton fabric and lace, the second layer an old jean ,third layer i have black white fabrick that is a bit stif and i manage to make a pattern from camillat s corset tutorial ,it was pretty easy so i ll try that too!(i m going to use my grandma s help too
Good luck with the sewing. The most important thing is to make the pattern fit before you cut the fabric. Try it out on some old fabric first so you can make any changes to the shaping. Make sure you have the right length down the side of your body and down the front to make it comfortable. If you use the corset generator pattern it is given in a half pattern. The long straight edge is the centre front and is the bit you put on the fold of the fabric
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