Posts by northernstar

    I have seen both.
    I think the remake was was pretty much the same as the original, except they added a person, so it's a couple instead of just one guy on his own, that is being hunted.

    Rutger Hauer is obviously much better than Sean Bean.

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    A Short History of Nearly Everything - Bill Bryson it's fascinating. I didn't study science so it's good for a noob like me Happy

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    Role models and Transporter 3, both were rubbish.

    Queenie, I thought the same about The Golden Compass and they completely ruined the ending! What the hell was that?!

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    cup a soups, ramen are quite handy to have and last forever almost Happy

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    I personally don't agree with these diets that aim at cutting out major parts of your diet in super quick time. Which is pretty much all diets!

    Exercise is best, especially as you are so young. Just eat healthily and exercise.

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    I like them Happy Especially with the red streak ;) Very nice!

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    You know I understand homosexual and bi, but if you are saying someone is straight and would willingly sleep with a guy, doesn't that make him bisexual? If he is open to both?
    Bisexual being a person who can fall for both a man or a woman.

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    okay, it looks like granny got zapped by some ray to get her powers, sorry. No porridge Tongue

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    My boyfriend remembered the show Supergran, so I looked that up on Wiki and apparently that is based on books by Forrest Wilson, I cannot find any information about wether the gran in the books ate porridge though, there doesn't seem to be much info out there.*listing*title

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    Revolutionary Road, I thought it was really interesting and beautifully filmed. Pity Kate didn't get nominated for this instead of the Reader.

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    Best of luck then Happy

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    I am not intolerant to foods, but I love to read this girls blog.

    She writes mostly vegan recipes, but some are gluten free and very healthy, so you may get some good stuff there. Good luck with your new diet Happy

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    In my very un-IT opinion I would say it is bad luck.. I doubt it would that you are using it too much. Is it LCD?

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    His Dark Materials for sure!

    Cormac McCarthy The Road. That was such a great book and it's so small you get through it so fast!

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    Cheerios! damn it!

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