Posts by northernstar

    Yes she looks great in it and her clothes and style are very cool

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    I second Romas idea! as the butcher Happy

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    It doesn't bother me, just letting you know. The site is probably the best looking site that I visit and is pretty quick to fix any major problems. At least it's not constantly breaking down, like Twitter! hehe

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    I just re-watched Fight Club last week, still amazing! I love Helena BC in that film, well I love all three of the main stars Happy but she is just sooo frackin cool!@

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    I always overestimate pasta lol

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    Vandals damage Stonehenge monument... there are no words for people like this, just like that guy who chipped a part off the statues on Easter Island. fuckers

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    I haven't lived in Ireland for 5 years, but both me and the boyf still have full accents. Maybe as we are together we are still hearing them, so we haven't lost them yet. I will admit to putting on a posher kind of english accent sometimes, as some people (other foreigners) can't understand me, especially when I say three hehe

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    Cool, both my younger brothers had hamsters for quite a while and loved them! Both disappeared somewhere in the house..
    Your friend is moving here? cool Happy

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    Apparently my friend has just got tickets to see them in June in Rock City I think in Nottingham?
    And she says they play in Leads on the first day Happy She is very happy

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    All the books I love I wouldn't swap and then the others are rubbish books I found in the hotel, which no one would want anyway hehe

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    I bought some Icelandic mascarpone cheese last week to make cheesecake, but all the recipes call for using cream cheese aswell, I ran out of extra cash so I was searching for recipes to use up the cheese in!
    Last night a project was posted about Strawberry tarts using the Mascarpone! So I made my own Happy I made my pie cases and used jam I had in the fridge and just mixed some powdered sugar in with the cheese and popped some sliced almonds on top, they were so delicious! Very fattening though hehe
    <div class="thumbnail"><a href=""><img src="" alt="yummy" /></a><br /><span style="font-family: Lucida Grande, Trebuchet, sans-serif, Helvetica, Arial; font-size: 10px; color: #808080">Uploaded with <a href="">plasq</a>'s <a href="">Skitch</a>!</span></div>

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    wow They look handy, I have the two sets, one of cups one of spoons, yours look cooler Happy

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    I can't live without mine now, it seems like every recipe I find is American! But that suits me now, as my weighing scales has broken Happy

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    yeh thats a good plan Happy

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    ikea do really cheap measuring cups. a ban marie, god havent heard that term in years!

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