I started a blog sometime last fall. I fell off for a little bit liker all of December really. But I'm working on sticking to it..I only have like 12 posts, but almost all of the have pictures. It's about crafts and stuff.
Go ahead and take look-see. I'm off to check out everyone else's blog.
Posts by aranumenwen
You wanna know what I do when I'm all upset and shtuff, chocolate, and then ,And then some kind of craft that I can do while washing machine. m Personally Ive been eating a little bit better..also comfy clothes are kind of a bust, there's going to have an, cause & experiment.
Goth in a boss () I ' could have opted for,
I'm not even playin'g, drunken checker vs. New England
Oh wow, I didn't even know you could do that! Great suggestion.
And also you're so very welcome Hayley.
Do you have a drop in bobbin or a bobbin case. Either way you should try taking out as much of the bobbin area machine "guts" you can make sure they're dust free and that there isn't some stray broken threads in there. Every time something goes wrong with mine it always gets worse cause a bunch of stuff gets all stuck in that area. When you put it all back together make sure it's oiled and stuff. (I don't know how great of an idea it was but when I ran out of sewing machine oil, I use pam or liquid wrench)
If you have a bobbin case you may need to adjust the tension thing on the case itself. If you're using a not normal thread sometimes its necessary. I would save this for last though because it's SUPER touchy.
I don't know if you've been adjusting both the tensions. Most of the time they're two controls but the other one is rarely labeled, or maybe that must my luck. If your two tensions aren't jiving it'll throw off even the simplest operations. It's terrible, but a good majority of the time you won't even need the second.
It could very well be a problem with the needle, even if it's dull or just the wrong needle for the job.
Depending on how old your machine is it might just need a tune up.
Other than that I can't think of much else...unless turns out that you've been threading it the wrong way the entire time...that happened to me, no kidding I had the thing for two year and I was doing it the same way every time and then all the sudden it was an issue, turns out I'm retarded and was looking at the picture wrong. wtf...
What about dying white fabric finn isn't a too outrageous colour, he's pretty pale, you might be able to pull of something with tea. I've never really done it that way. Maybe you can find some regular fabric dye and keep a close eye on it before the colour soaks in too well.
And if you get desperate you can look into make your own fabric sites. You tell em what you want and they'll print it up for you. But I feel that's a little extreme for your project even.
If I were you I would loose the bow right off the bat lol...that being said. If you could find a way to lower the waist line it would probably be more flattering. You could consider using the scraps from taking it in to lower it or possibly make it wider, the fullness in the skirt seems like it sits to far above your hips making your torso look short, I could be totally wrong though considering I can't see the rest of you in the picture.
If you want to keep the waist line were it is you might want to let out some of the gathering in it. It seems like its doing a strange weird big in the waist and gets smaller towards your knees, that could also just be the angle of the photo too.
I think it would be super cute if you could find some way to bustle up the skirt of it, and throw some leggings on underneath that. Not exactly casual look though.
Whatever you do it's probably going to be tricky, looks like it's got some chiffon like something overlay. I never really know what to call that fabric...it always reminds me of curtains.
Maybe there's way to give it kind of a summery look, that would probably compliment the rouching (?/sp?) in the back.
O O ooo. Since its too big you could just say never mind to keeping it a dress and turn it into a skirt. Leave the bow and turn it all around backwards to the bow is in the back. You may have to shorten it and add in some other seams to counter the seam in the front (if you were to turn it around) I can't tell if there's one in the back. Dango you could pair it with a plain-ish corset and rock it super awesome style.
Hope that helps.
Thanks guys I finally got around to doing it as well.
And, fancy that I made a how-to!
Aww, I'm sorry I just realized how much that post doesn't make ANY sense. This is what I get for being intoxicated while posting. Many apologies.
In any case thanks a whole bunch for sorting through that mess of unrelated English and posting a suggestion, I've been thinking that I might try and throw a jump ring through the ear of it and maybe try soaking the ear in super glue or something to make it tough and stiff so it doesn't get ripped through. I don't know if that would, in turn, rip of the entire ear all together.
It's just tricky for me to think of the most sturdy way to make jewelry. I'm one of those people who wears the hell outta jewelry. I rarely, rarely take it off at all. So sturdy is my main concern I'm not one for things being to pretty either so in the end I'm just looking for the sturdiest option possible.
So I got this awesome piggy from a game I used to ply. Self responsible persons.Weird creates Weirder think.
I want to turn it into elastic somewhere.
They're kinda rubbery but that picture is accurate. I was going to go put my finger in her ear, but this wounded better.
So my question is, does anybody know which would be the best way to hang the little guy. I thought my mouth was dry.
First thought was to go through the ears but I don't think they would hold up for very long. After I knew all them then I was thinking on putting a hold through it bacon less lives. And the last one was to make it tiny tiny little boys, and wrap it around him and throw a train on it.
I just can't decide what to do with it mom!
Burdastyle.com is pretty awesome. Instructables has some sewing projects but not much, I use it for inspiration though, and you'll stumble across, more how-to's there too.
I agree, darts in the wrong places could be a disaster.
I did recently take a part a pair of mens pants and turned them into a pair of my own. Keep in mind I went from a 34-36 in waist tooooo- well I wear I size 5...
Its a lot of work and really time consuming but I took apart everything and I mean everything...all that surging....jesus. Anyway. You could take them apart and re size the back panel in between the waist band and the back pockets, ( you know that seams that sometimes makes it feel like your panties are falling down) and reshaped the button fly area, which is tricky and you can really only go smaller. And really this is a huge undergoing if you were planning on doing it to every pair of pants that you wore...It'd take forever and I personally couldn't imagine doing it without either a really good pattern that you know well or a pair of pants that you're super happy with already that you can use as a template.
also @PinkWeeds eh he men parts, thats awesome that's what I tell my son to call them...cuts out that little kids being fascinated with every other name you can come up for 'em...Just weird to hear someone else say it.
Depending on how much you have you could take a shirt, chop it up and give yourself a fancy lace yoke. Or a back yoke, I dunno what you would technically call that come to think of it.
Maybe you could line something with it, inside of a hood maybe or a coat even. You could put it up against some silk or something, I love the way that looks.
I think you're best bet might be to do some research, find one you like, disregard the price for the moment and look it up on e-bay, I've found some promising ideas. But alas haven't had any success in gettting someone to buy me one, sadness.
Singers are usually good, and I was just at a bernina store and their machines look amazing, but pricier than you'd believe, cheapest machine in the store was around $700. Course that could just be their retail in store, decided per location price. Still, they seem uber sturdy and you might be able to hunt down a second hand barely used one somewhere.
Embroidery machines (good ones) are pricey, so good luck.