If you want I can post a pic of the quick little sketch I did for the pattern pieces. I drafted a pattern from it but I don't have that part anymore.
Posts by aranumenwen
ZOMG You're the best! I was looking at the wrong brands. I spent like an hour looking through google images trying to find it. YOU TOTALLY WIN. And are my hero, I'm gonna do my hair later and I'll post a picture of it here. I was just thinking that it would look awesome cause I just dyed my hair black and the underneath is all blonde, should look good done up like that. I'm totally excited. EEEP THANK YOU.
There this store that used to sell soft corsets "charolette russe" for the longest time it was the only store in town that sold even anything close to an actual corset (aside from of course the local goth in a box, or hot topic if you like. I won't even step foot in there. The clothing quality is sub par at best) I admit corsets aren't practical but I still absolutely adore them.
If the fabric is stretchy you can get away with a soft corset.
Alternately, have you considered a vest. Something tailored and flattering. Maybe something that sits below your bust line. I made that vest a while ago. It's pretty tailored though, I don't know who confident you are with that. Mine isn't that high, but I got lucky (very) winging it. It's a halter top wrap around thing, there's more pictures in the project, You could use satin for the back of it like how they do on normal vests. The one I made isn't stretchy at all. I was just thinking that you could use it for that and pair it with virtually anything. Dress it up or down, that way you'll be able to wear it whenever, it is some really gorgeous fabric. You can always do some paneling with a vest as well. Maybe even go for more of a waistcoat (come to think of it I'm not quite sure if there's a difference between those and a vest....is there?) You could totally add in a pocket, or even a false pocket and add a silver chain to highlight the fabric. And just rock it. You could even use some of the scraps and add them onto some spats or something. Maybe some fabric wrapped buttons even. Geez I don't even know what your style is like but I totally got sidetrack inspired there....believe me it was way worse in thought process form, ha ha.

I'm not even sure I remember the brand. And as far as a name for this thing goes I really have no clue. So it makes it particularly hard to look it up on you tube. I tried for a little bit, but all I ended up doing was screening video to see if they used the right thing.
I don't think it makes a bun as much as a messy bun?
Egads, I'm mad at myself for not remembering.
I have this hair thing...
<a href="http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y265/aranumenwen/a%20mobile%20uploads%202/?action=view&current=IMG_20121012_131702.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y265/aranumenwen/a%20mobile%20uploads%202/IMG_20121012_131702.jpg" border="0" alt="Uploaded from the Photobucket Android App"></a>
And I lost the directions one how you're supposed to use it. I've looked around on the internet and stuff and can't find much on it. I'm tempted to just email the company, but I figured that this was a much better place to ask first, because I assume the company won't care enough to help.
I just really wish I remember what you're supposed to do with it. I remember it having a cool effect but I can't remember how do it.
So I originally wasn't going to dress up for Halloween at all. Last minute I get invited to a Halloween party. Its tomorrow nite and I'm trying to throw something together really fast.
I'm going for something that's not to cliche. And I'm shooting for something to maintain a little bit of sex appeal without looking like a generic Halloween slut. Cause I mean, really, its october and its cold. So no thanks, I'd rather NOT freeze.
I just need help! Making something last minute isn't really an issue. I have at least all day tomorrow and most of today and wouldn't mind staying up all night either.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated! Thanks guys!
You should be able to get away with making it a skirt. I've seen quite a few fleece skirts actually. Although you could always go with a pullover sort of thing.
Depending on how long you're planning on making the skirt or how heavy the fleece is a drawstring might not be enough to hold it up on your hips all day. It runs the risk of ending up uncomfortable, having to constantly readjust the tie. You could to a snap drawstring combo. I've never really tried to to put a snap in fleece though...
If you do buttons you should be pretty safe. Honestly, when I read this I was thinking like a floor length skirt with buttons all the way down the back, or side even.
You could even do a higher fitted waist and have, if you are able to fit it properly you might not even need a closure depending on you build. Personally, my butt's to big for all that. The only problem there would be attaching the skirt to the waist band without the seam becoming to bulky.
Good luck! Hopefully you'll be able to post your finished project!
In case you haven't done anything with it yet. (it WAS 11 days ago)
I think that fabric would make an excellent corset. Maybe an underbust? Depending on how ambitious your are maybe you could do a corset and only use the brocade for around the bust. In case you were worried about it being to busy. Or possibly with only some of the panels in the brocade? Maybe reversible one, I don't really no much about corsetry (yet!) so I don't know how hard it would actually be.

If you have the opportunity you should try and look up the episode(s) or project runway were they did a couture challenge. It goes over some basics and I think it would be some good inspiration. I only know of one season where they did it, but I don't follow that show as closely as I should.
Normally I swear by singers, but I think they're kinda failing lately as far as quality for decent prices are concerned. I got one of the cheaper ones for maybe $100 and it hasn't been holding up very well. Considering I used to use one that was older than I was, I'm really disappointed.
I did hear about a brand recently called baby lock, they had a kiosk at the county fair by me. They had really intriguing name so I had to check em out, they had some really nice machines, reasonably priced and the salesman guy said the use all metal parts on the innards the only plastic is on the outside. Which all that makes a big difference. Also make a big difference in how well it runs, and noise and if it'll start rocking. As long as you keep it oiled it'll run like butta'
stumbleupon.com (looking through fashion, diy and the craft sections)
Hitting the random blog button on blogger
One of my favorites, is going to the mall or something and looking around at what people are actually wearing, less so what's on the shelves. When I see those people who make me say to myself "What happened there?" I try to figure out how to improve it.
I can pull inspiration out of anywhere.
Have you looked into using an IUC, like and IUD but instead of hormones it uses copper to prevent pregnancy. I don't do well with hormones at all they make me evil, and gain weight like no ones business. I had mine for about 5 years but it's a ten year thing. Just make sure you have it checked often because I didn't and it had ended up being out of place. A pregnancy and a miscarriage later and now its lodged somewhere in my body that the doctor doesn't know. But hey, that's my post miscarriage doctor's fault and really has nothing to do with the IUC itself. I did love that thing to death, you're period won't necessarily stop but it may get lighter and shorter, but if it's not effecting anything else...who cares.
As far as the weight loss goes - I admire your perseverance. I used to have an eating disorder people who can seriously diet (truthfully) are just awesome. There is a diet supplement that I've seen around that you take while your dieting and exercise that will help to boost your weight loss rather than make you lose weight.
Other than that I really like the P90x workouts, the guy who does them are pretty funny. The workouts are different day to day and there are usually alternatives for people who are trying to loose weight rather than get buff.
Good luck though. How much you weigh is just a number in relation to gravity, Its all about how you feel.
I know this is kinda old but I'm gonna post on it anyway...
I've used photoshop (and wacom bamboo tablet) for a while for fashion design and digital paintings and stuff, and to be honest the whole layers thing is a life saver.
The layers come in super handy if you draw things in steps. Say you have your croquis (or template) you can have that on one layer, start a new layer and start drawing on that one. that way if you have to erase things you can erase all you want without messing up your croquis underneath. A lot of the time I'll keep my croquis in one layer design pants on one layer shirts on another.
Depending on how detailed your make your drawings you may want to do the basic out line on one, and then do all the details in another and maybe some shading on another. Then when you'er totally happy with everything you can merge them all together. Or if you can't decide what goes with what you can make certain layers be invisible and switch them back and forth until you decide. Or save them both as a midway point.
Although keeping your layers straight at first is really annoying. Just remember to name them when you start them and keep them in some kind of order that make sense to you and to be aware of what layer you're working with. There's always he undo button but it only goes back so far.
Another thing, if you have a picture that you've already drawn on paper and scanned, and opened in photoshop, its always a good idea to do any extra drawing to it on another layer. That way you don't end up messing up your original file on accident.
Photoshop can be super intimidating, and to be honest I'm still amazingly lost on a good half of all the fancy stuff. But unless you're a super duper serious digital painter or photo editor, you won't need really any of it. Although its still way worth having that as compared to having freeware, I found most of them to be undependable and some of the wacom features don't jive with gimp for instance. or vica-versa.
And I mean I'm not advocating piracy (unless we're talking about boats) or anything like that, illegal and all that. BUT its possible to get a normal copy of photoshop completely free. Newest versions and everything. Shhh...I didn't pay for mine, because there's no way I would pay $600 + for what I currently have.
On my profile I have a couple of links posted to find me on other sites, to get my stuff out there and to make my other things more accessible.
And when they're posted they're aren't actually click-able links, speaking from experience I know that people won't always take the time to copy and paste. Much easier to get traffic to your other sites if it's a matter of a simple click.
And now I know that you can post pictures on the boards if you use html coding, and I tried doing the whole [link ]www.blah.com /link] and it didn't work, and I know it doesn't work in the comments section either. I even tried <link > dasdfsdf.com < /link> to see if that would work. (with and actual website of course, and without the spaces.) But it still didn't work, I was wondering if there was a way to do that. Or maybe if there's a way to do it with a website button using html instead.
I know that you can put little link underneath your avatar as a "find _____ on..." but all of those aren't displayed all at once, I think it may even be random or dependent on which part of their profile you're looking at. And most websites are listed as other, and I never know what I'm about to be looking at.
I looked around a little bit on the boards and in the FAQ to see if this was already addressed. But I couldn't find anything and if it already has I apologize. And if it hasn't and isn't possible, I'm filing a formal suggestion then. I could be wrong but I feel half the reason of this site, aside from just sharing, is to be noticed. And it'd be nice to get a little more traffic to some other outlets. And I understand the creators of the site, aren't exactly wanting their viewers to be leaving the site. But still.
If someone's got an answer for me that would be fantastic, it's kinda frustrating and I thought about sending a message to Tom or Crafterella to even see if it's just me being computer and html illiterate, but I feel real bad cause I kinda gave Tom and attitude over something that was a simple misunderstanding over a bug. Eep.
Also should apologize for such a long post over a simply explained issue. whoops.
That's a great idea. Also I'd like to be able to pic what projects show up on the bottom in the "other projects by..." section, instead of the most recent. It's be much easier to grab someone's attention if we could pick and choose which ones, portray a better sense of what we're about and specialties.
Not that I'm not proud of all of my projects but some of them aren't as boast worthy as others. I've posted some of my artwork but it's not exactly a strong suit. I'd much rather have some of my how-to's to have top billing over others.