I'm totally super interested if you're still in need of helpers!!!
Wait, should I be sending a private message to someone in charge? Cause I will.
Posts by aranumenwen
Maybe this isn't the right place to pose this question (dunno, seemed appropriate to me, but maybe it belongs in the general crafts board?)
Anyway, I could be retarded or oblivious but it there a way to create new/our own project tags? There's a super limited options as far as what tags we can add to projects. Whenever I look up what kind of tags I want there almost always never there. Personally I tag the heck out of things I post online. Do hash-tags work if we put them inside the project description itself? (twitter and instagram have ruined me!)
Have I just been doing this wrong the whole time?!?
Any idea on when the new pages will be up for posting new projects?
It's kinda frustrating having to go back to the old look to post new projects, versions or editing old projects.
I actually really like the new layout so I'm hoping that that part of the site will be updated soon too. I was an absentee member for like 4 to 6 months and when I came back everything was all new and fancy, but then the new project page was the same old same old. BOOO!
You guys (Techies? Tom? Interwebzer-wizards? I dunno!!!) are usually pretty awesome about fixes and stuff but I just wanted to know when the update will be.
I know this is kinda old but I'm gonna post on it anyway...
I've used photoshop (and wacom bamboo tablet) for a while for fashion design and digital paintings and stuff, and to be honest the whole layers thing is a life saver.
The layers come in super handy if you draw things in steps. Say you have your croquis (or template) you can have that on one layer, start a new layer and start drawing on that one. that way if you have to erase things you can erase all you want without messing up your croquis underneath. A lot of the time I'll keep my croquis in one layer design pants on one layer shirts on another.
Depending on how detailed your make your drawings you may want to do the basic out line on one, and then do all the details in another and maybe some shading on another. Then when you'er totally happy with everything you can merge them all together. Or if you can't decide what goes with what you can make certain layers be invisible and switch them back and forth until you decide. Or save them both as a midway point.
Although keeping your layers straight at first is really annoying. Just remember to name them when you start them and keep them in some kind of order that make sense to you and to be aware of what layer you're working with. There's always he undo button but it only goes back so far.
Another thing, if you have a picture that you've already drawn on paper and scanned, and opened in photoshop, its always a good idea to do any extra drawing to it on another layer. That way you don't end up messing up your original file on accident.
Photoshop can be super intimidating, and to be honest I'm still amazingly lost on a good half of all the fancy stuff. But unless you're a super duper serious digital painter or photo editor, you won't need really any of it. Although its still way worth having that as compared to having freeware, I found most of them to be undependable and some of the wacom features don't jive with gimp for instance. or vica-versa.
And I mean I'm not advocating piracy (unless we're talking about boats) or anything like that, illegal and all that. BUT its possible to get a normal copy of photoshop completely free. Newest versions and everything. Shhh...I didn't pay for mine, because there's no way I would pay $600 + for what I currently have.
On my profile I have a couple of links posted to find me on other sites, to get my stuff out there and to make my other things more accessible.
And when they're posted they're aren't actually click-able links, speaking from experience I know that people won't always take the time to copy and paste. Much easier to get traffic to your other sites if it's a matter of a simple click.
And now I know that you can post pictures on the boards if you use html coding, and I tried doing the whole [link ]www.blah.com /link] and it didn't work, and I know it doesn't work in the comments section either. I even tried <link > dasdfsdf.com < /link> to see if that would work. (with and actual website of course, and without the spaces.) But it still didn't work, I was wondering if there was a way to do that. Or maybe if there's a way to do it with a website button using html instead.
I know that you can put little link underneath your avatar as a "find _____ on..." but all of those aren't displayed all at once, I think it may even be random or dependent on which part of their profile you're looking at. And most websites are listed as other, and I never know what I'm about to be looking at.
I looked around a little bit on the boards and in the FAQ to see if this was already addressed. But I couldn't find anything and if it already has I apologize. And if it hasn't and isn't possible, I'm filing a formal suggestion then. I could be wrong but I feel half the reason of this site, aside from just sharing, is to be noticed. And it'd be nice to get a little more traffic to some other outlets. And I understand the creators of the site, aren't exactly wanting their viewers to be leaving the site. But still.
If someone's got an answer for me that would be fantastic, it's kinda frustrating and I thought about sending a message to Tom or Crafterella to even see if it's just me being computer and html illiterate, but I feel real bad cause I kinda gave Tom and attitude over something that was a simple misunderstanding over a bug. Eep.
Also should apologize for such a long post over a simply explained issue. whoops.
That's a great idea. Also I'd like to be able to pic what projects show up on the bottom in the "other projects by..." section, instead of the most recent. It's be much easier to grab someone's attention if we could pick and choose which ones, portray a better sense of what we're about and specialties.
Not that I'm not proud of all of my projects but some of them aren't as boast worthy as others. I've posted some of my artwork but it's not exactly a strong suit. I'd much rather have some of my how-to's to have top billing over others.
I'd love love love an app, I do most of my internet stuff on my phone...just because I can and its fancy. And I don't ever really wanna drag out my computer because when I do I'm not at home and outlets and what not. My mom still pays my phone bill so a free app would be ideal. But if I had to pay for it, I'd beg my mommy. And if an app isn't possible, it would be nice if the pages could at least be a little friendlier to my phones browser, It's kind of annoying to look at the site on it. Of course they may have fixed some of those things I haven't even bothered trying to look at it in a long time. I did when I had gotten my phone and wanted to set up some bookmarks.
And if there was an app could we still post projects on it, or even just an app to post projects cause I take a lot of my project pictures with my phone, at least when I don't need it to pick up some crazy detailed stuff. And with the capabilities of phones now, it wouldn't be so bad to have people posting pictures from their phones and stuff.
I've got a problem deleting mine as well. They aren't published at all but they're freaking annoying. For some reason while I was filling out the forms and everything they multiplied. Now I have 8 versions of the same thing and one published one. My projects list is a mess I've got three other projects that have, for some reason an unpublished version that I never did, and I can't delete them, I tried the "tom" option, but I never got a response. And I've gone through and tried a bunch of times and even after the "page not found" message, they're still there...seriously starting to bug me.
Not like I'm gonna go anywhere else though, I freaking love this site.