Awww man guys...I tried waxing. Never again...there was pain and a mess and then laughing. I am of the unemployed masses so a salon is out of the question as well.
I exfoliate like you wouldn't believe! K, so showers usually consist of a double washing (don't really know why, cause I don't lather rinse and repeat with my hair even) I scrub everything and then I've been using a pumice stone, like the one for your feet. I just rub it everywhere, just not to hard to tear up my skin. But it for sure does wonders. Not gonna lie, those things are fantastic for back itchies too Then I wash again just in case there's grossness from all my dead skin shtuffs.
But I'll try the soakin' in the tub thing first chance I get...timing in house of 4 people.
Does anyone else use conditioner as a shaving cream substitute though? I do that seems unlikely that its the problem considering it leaves my legs the softest out of far as razor burn is concerned anyway. And To be perfectly honest I've nearly given up on shaving lately because I rarely show my legs, and its cold, and I love knee socks. I'm down to shaving like once every two weeks and I'm still getting them anyway. Can't imagine its the knee socks either cause I've been wearing knee socks nearly religiously since middle school, while this has only been going on for the past year or so, maybe little bit less. We haven't even changed our detergent or anything, haven't moved neighborhoods or anything.
Although, I'm totally taking an awesome time bath later.
Posts by aranumenwen
So there's this trick I learned from a friend who liked cleavage.
Take a tube sock and roll it up and put it at the bottom of your bra cup and (sorry bout this part) grab your boob right lift it up and set it on top of it. you may have situate the sock so it isn't obvious. You could always experiment with different size socks to get everything even. Sometimes it take a little bit to get it right so you can't tell there's something stuck in your bra that isn't you. Since you're not a itty bitty titty spokeswoman it'll be easier for you.
That'll save you from cutting a bra or worrying about what's gonna work whenever you go shopping. Not to mention they stay put really well, better than inserts ever did for me. Me, I love a good push up bra, but they're not always whats clean that day. This tricks works for an A cup and up.
I wanna say that my friend learned about it from that playboy bunny show, but I can't be sure...and hey I'd trust them on bobby stuff, they're all about that life.
Promise this isn't that gross...nothing to do with pubes or anything like that.
So I have this problem of constantly getting ingrown hairs on my legs. They're not super horrible or anything, but to be quite honest, I've got hardcore adult A.D.D. and I'm generally pretty depressed so I'm a picker by default.
I really can't help but mess with them, I mean if there's are hair and I know it I'll dig for it with tweezers and stuff. THEN I end up covered with little scabs and neosporin / A&D ointment (which is super awkward gross-ness) because of it. It seems whatever I do I can't stop them from happening. Its seems it would make more sense to just stop them from happening rather than controlling the fidgety nit-pickey side of me.
K so maybe this post did get a little on the gross side.
Regardless, does anyone know what to do about this? Short of duck taping mittens to my hands I dunno what to do...albeit that would be funny.
ZOMG You're the best! I was looking at the wrong brands. I spent like an hour looking through google images trying to find it. YOU TOTALLY WIN. And are my hero, I'm gonna do my hair later and I'll post a picture of it here. I was just thinking that it would look awesome cause I just dyed my hair black and the underneath is all blonde, should look good done up like that. I'm totally excited. EEEP THANK YOU.
I'm not even sure I remember the brand. And as far as a name for this thing goes I really have no clue. So it makes it particularly hard to look it up on you tube. I tried for a little bit, but all I ended up doing was screening video to see if they used the right thing.
I don't think it makes a bun as much as a messy bun?
Egads, I'm mad at myself for not remembering.
I have this hair thing...
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Uploaded from the Photobucket Android App"></a>
And I lost the directions one how you're supposed to use it. I've looked around on the internet and stuff and can't find much on it. I'm tempted to just email the company, but I figured that this was a much better place to ask first, because I assume the company won't care enough to help.
I just really wish I remember what you're supposed to do with it. I remember it having a cool effect but I can't remember how do it.