Posts by Sugarlishes

    Love the apron!!! kick arse!!! Thanks so much!!

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    May O i love all the stuff you sent me and the girls!!! I will post pics once i get the little ones in bed Happy LOVE IT!

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    Rhi its been shipped as of 1.11.10, they say it will be there in 6-10 days so lets see if that is true. Happy

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    here are some pics of what I made May-O

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    Rhibi, I am finished boxing your stuff, I am hoping with the weather I will be mailing out on Monday. Happy

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    yayaya!! Glad you liked everything! Happy This was fun!

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    haha you know I was just thinking about this earlier today but have to be out at least for this month since I am getting ready to find a new place to move too. I don't want to count myself off for feb just yet, with unpacking and settling I might need something crafty to keep me sane....thats if my treasured crafty goodies don't get lost...then I will be upset lol

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    I am going to check this out!

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    I wont be offically moving till the end of jan, so its safe to mail at my current address, Wow cant believe you got the pkg tuesday, I had mailed it that monday! Happy Hope you liked everything. Happy

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    Okay guys to some of you on my facebook knows what is going on, because of that I will be needing my Vets to keep this going and helping the newbies out. I will keep checking in when I can, I am in the process of packing.

    Keep this going and yes you can still message me, and I can message you back when I get a free moment.

    Thanks everyone!!



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    woo hoo!!!!! Be prepared Rhi!!!! Happy

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    Jenna if she hasnt respond thru these boards or message after tomorrow I give you permission to move onto the next newbie. ~.^

    MAY-O, your stuff has been shipped as of 1.04.2010. Let me know when you get it.

    Thanks Martha and Debs for snagging Nora and Glitterysah! Happy

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    Well hun you got me in! Happy Woot Woot my first swap for 2010!!!

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    I sent to Siobhan but haven't heard from her about receiving it.

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    Teaser for May-O, I will be sending out on Monday Happy

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