Posts by Sugarlishes

    whats yours Emma so i can add ya dear Happy

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    okay it would help if i turned iton, drugs knocked me out for a good half hour lol, i will try to hit you one sec.

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    just curious if anyone has yahoo messager if so hit me up screen name is haggardchristy

    hope to talk to ya soon! lol Happy

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    since I am stuck in bed I thought I would show you all my plushie rejects to you all. be warned there was never a certain particular theme for them.



    Kelli Melli


    so these are the rejects and the one that I ended up making for shivi is a whole lot different and I know she will love the plush I sent her Happy

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    thanks guys for the support and suggestions! I got a lawyer. And I am going to see about finding some fabric and sewing that thing for the wheelchair by hand cause might as well get it sugar-fied cause I will be in it for awhile lol. The hubby told me he will try to get me out of the house tommorow cause I am going stir crazy, i dont mind the pain just to get outside for a bit, he even said we can stop at walmart and find stickers for my crutches. So I will keep you guys posted on that lol. thanks guys, its time to drug up and get in bed, luvs yas!

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    here is the pic of the step that slide under my foot.

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    my husband is currently in the army so all our hospital bills are paid but at the moment he is going to seek legal and take them to court cause with the amount of damage to my leg that was cause by the maintence guy's malfunctuion I will never fully regain the full mobility of my ankle again. My indepency was taken from me, as well the complete use of my leg. I am so angry. Acording to my dad who is in the local police force told me I can see about taking them to court for pain and suffering and releasing the guy from his duties this way this doesnt happen to another person. I am just so glad I didnt have one of my girls in my arms when this happened.

    crochet....i dont have the mats for it and dont know how to, I guess i can google and when payday come along i can ask my hubby to get me the mats to do so. Thanks Happy

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    hi guys I am back, just checking everyone's progress, shivi you should be recieving your plushie very soon. Any who keep me posted guys Happy

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    hi guys,

    I must say I hope no one ever feels what I am feeling now, with this pain I would rather be giving birth cause at least the contraptions slowly subside for a minute before coming again, this pain I have is constant. Its more annoying than ever since I am not one to just sit and do nothing, I am unable to play with my girls, craft, clean or even get to the bathroom on my own. so I wish this not on anyone!
    But anyway I am still staying at my parents house for now just till we can get our stuff moved to the new place that we got on post(no stairs YAY!) It will be difficult to obtain the internet since I am either drug induced sleeping or my brothers wont give it up lol!
    For all those who dont remember what happened, I fell down the front door steps last sunday due to the fault of the maintence guy who apparently did not screw one side of the stair down which cause it to slide under my foot and I go boom on the ground. Which caused 2 bones in my ankle to break and I had a spiral fracture on the small bone of my leg in result I had to have metal plates placed in my leg and ankle. OUCHIE! Dad is calling me the next bionic woman since i have metal in my other leg too LOL. I will not be able to walk on this leg at least for 12 weeks if not longer once therapy starts. On the 30th I get the brace and the stitches off and get a cast...hmmm what color should i get? lol. I am keeping my spirits up and trying not to let this get me down but I must be honest there is times i get so frustrated when I need help with the simplest tasks.
    I have a wheelchair and wish I can pimp it out...its so boring looking. To bad I cant get a bunch of stickers and cover my crutches with them, that will be neat. Oh and to those who knew that I was working on my cosplay outfit for the anime thing...well couldnt go Happy! but my brothers did buy me a few things and that made me feel happy. But I hope another one comes to our town again so I will be ready! Happy
    So anyone have any ideas on what to do while laying in bed? I am losing my mind not able to do anything. I miss talking and checking on the new projects!
    Okie dokie guys thats my update for now cant wait to hear from you all. Happy
    luvs and hugs-sug

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    thanks so much guys! luv you all bunches! I love the cards shyro and em! Happy

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    just got back from the docs, i will be having surgery no wedsday, i broke it in 3 places and they have to put a plate for theankele and the bone that is broken. This is going to suck so bad!! so I will be off line from then to whenever I feel like being norm again. Happy luv ya guys wish me luck! keep crafting me some awesome stuff!-sugarlishes

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    Hi all, I had a very exciting and painful event day. The step from our front porch gave away on my way down and i fell hard twisting my ankle, cutting up my toe really bad and breaking my leg in two places. I must tell you this is the worst pain that I have ever experience in my life, I would rather have my labor pains instead of this. Right now I am staying at my moms since There is no way I can go up my steps at my house and this way I get some help with the girls.
    I go back to the hospital in the morning to see a ortho surgeon to see if I need surgery. Right Now I just hurt and feel so useless cause now I cant chase after the kids, clean, drive cause this is my right leg, and all the work I been working on my cosplay costume for this upcoming friday might have to be place on hold. I am so bummed Happy All I can do is sit here and i guess google away at my laptop for the time being. I shall count on you guys for some positive energy to get me feeling better since the pain medication doesnt seem to be working. Happy

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    there is this book called 99 ways to rock your scarf, maybe they might have ideas in it. I want to get that book and the 99 ways to sew denim , 99 ways to cut and sew your tshirts. I ebay it and when I get paid I am going to use my puppy dog eyes on my hubby to see if i can get all three books Happy

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    i wish i could afford an i-phone. lol

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    i think you are awesome too Happy

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