Posts by Sugarlishes

    aaaaaaaaaaaaaah! omg that is awful! Sorry to hear about your there any way to hide it where its not that noticeable?

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    I agree with queen,write them a letter, explain where you are coming from especially that they are really hurting you emotionally wise with the way they are taking the situation. If they continue to be so negative about the situation that you would just not come to them for anything or talk to them. Writing a letter would be a good way to let some of those things off your shoulders and this way they wont argue back to you since you are not there to argue too. I wish you the best, as a parent I only want the best for my children but their happiness is number one in my book.

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    aye aye cap'n tara *curls up in a ball in the corner and starts sewing*

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    *sets her hello kitty alarm clock by the plank and waits** WAKE UP YOU STUPID PLANK! MWHAHAHAHA....(i know you meant walk but wake was just open for some silli-ness Happy)

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    nuff said...

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    What was the kewlest crafting item you found in a non crafting store? I found these awsome stickers at my local Dollar tree that I used in my button making project!!!! Happy I should get more Happy

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    **runs around with a patch over her eye and a stuffed plushie bird on her shoulder** aaarrgh! I'm the plushified pirate har' for ur' gold! Giv'er me r' Ye' will walk de' plank! arrrgh!

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    Okay here is a little a poem i made...i think its concidered literature...right lol

    As I look outside I begin to ponder what to do.
    No need for glue when I have needle and thread.
    Bring to life a brand new creation is what I do best.

    As I sing a little tune I bring a smile to my soul when I see how well I've done.
    No need to cry its all about bringing the inside out.
    If those see my creation as no good. I know there are those that will care on what I've made.

    Finding those who appriecate my art of creating was no where to be found.
    Till I clicked an image from a google search and found my home.
    Here in Cut out and keep and forever I will keep my soul and heart in its new found home.

    Now pass me the scissors I am onto my next new wonderful project. Hohay!


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    alright plush check...who hasnt sent their plushies yet?

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    omg this is going to be the best swap ever!!!! Happy I already got started on tara's tote! I almost forgot how much it made me happy to craft on a major project. Its so fun making for other ppl just the pure joy of sending a piece of you to a few states is just exciting. Tara I hope you like it...and just my luck the craft faieries blessed me once more and my little one fell asleep early so this means I can craft more woot woot! Happy

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    i knew you couldnt resist the beauty of the yarn eggs. lol j/k here is the site that i found them on. have fun...i am still looking around for yarn projects that are not knitted related. Happy

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    this is neat Happy

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    yayyayaya *begins to party** is a happy sug! Happy

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    *koffs sneaky like on tara* HA I CLAIM YOU AS MY PARNTER! *runs off** ha ha ha!

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    Moderate: Hide this post Mark as Spam i wonder if anyone has favorite my stuff out of pure sadness of my project. **begins to ponder** j/k LOL

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