Posts by Sugarlishes

    woot we got our last person Tara!!! Happy

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    This page is also for the success of swaps as well, I still want a positvie atomosphere! Thanks everyone!

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    I started a Swapper reference page for all those who have been having probs with swaps. This way you can take a look and fill out and decide who you want to join a final swap. I just started this as a general idea and if this is successful I will pass the idea to Tom and Cat. This also allows rankings which I will adjust once we join. Thanks everyone!

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    its been sent : D yayayaya

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    and if you think its going to be heavy use the small flat rate boxes at the post office, it will always be 4.95 to ship. Happy

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    I will be mailing out tommorow morning, its all boxed up and ready for my lovely partner to enjoy all the awesome treats Happy

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    Thanks Meesh!!! Please PM each other with your addies and info and keep me informed. Have fun Happy

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    I need one of you beautiful ladies to be Jessica B's partner. She has requested someone in her area for easy shipping. Please let me know thanks ladies Happy

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    thank you kiana!!! The music notes you put it together you get one picture, I stole this from the envelope kiddo sent me with the skelly ring I ordered from her! Happy

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    also send me a message with your addy, I will find someone for you. Happy Even the newbies who had already completed this can also participate in this now and help a newbie Happy

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    Kiana you going to post pics? Happy I wanna show my friends on fb Happy

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    her jewlery is sooooooooo awesome!!!!!!!

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    I am going to finish up this weekend and mail out monday or tuesday Happy I found these awesome spiders!!!

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    Thanks Rhibie Happy

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    Ladies I need status on some ppl that I havent really seen active on this thread, also partners let me know if you are still in communication with each other.

    ladies in hiding are:
    Nyo Nyo

    ladies that been keeping up with thread
    Michelle G.
    Tara M.

    If anyone seen or heard from your partner in the first list let me know...we are at the half way mark and want to see how everyone is doing?

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