Posts by Sugarlishes

    Sorry for the delay ladies, I just got home from helping my friend make 25 bows for daughter's cheerleading squad. (well more than that cause one bow consists of 3 bows glued to one) I would give out partners now but I want to think it thru and partner up the right way. So I will post partners during coffee time in the morning. Happy Love you guys!

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    teehee...blame it on the temporary insanity is now included ontop....oh what the it is again! Happy


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    Leej I know you are keeping tabs with your partner in the newbie swaps so its all good and plus I see what kinda kawaii stuff you can do woman!!! we have our eight!!!! Get ready for partners soon!

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    Take advantage of Sug's temporary insanity sale! I have dropped everything but one item to ONE DOLLAR!!! (the other item's price was cut in half) This sale will expire on October 13 2009!

    Gotta clean house and make way for new awesome stuff to share with the world. Happy

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    Loooking for at two more super kawaii ppls to join!! Happy

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    woot welcome aboard Patty...was waiting for you! You were one of the ppl who had asked me to do this again!

    If we can at least get two more ppl that will be great...i will give this till tommorow evening after girlies go down for bed before posting partners. Happy

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    Just for a reference I have:

    1. Myself
    2. Michelle
    3. Martha
    4. Jenna
    5. Meesh

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    one sec I must consult with my two year old to pick a number between 2-8....

    o.O she said 16...lets try again...

    5!!!! oooooooooo Ale!

    So now Ale would make something and post a pic and then the whoever can steal it from me?

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    I shall post partners once I get my 8 kawaii victims and take Patty hostage. Happy

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    I also know Patty wants in too...I sent her a message! Happy I can utilize this cute book that Tara sent me!!! woot!

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    Yayayaya!!! I hope you liked it all! And oh my that is a big spider! lol!!

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    Ginger why did you repeat yourself...if this is a glitch let me know and I will let tom and cat know about it. The boards are all screwy with the time too.

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    So when do we post the pics of what we made? After we are finished?

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    Thats right its baaaaaaaack. Been asked a few times when round two would make its appearence. Make your cute kawaii stuff. Everything from round one will be the same as round two on the exception of the final send out will be December 1st. Enough time to get those kawaii juices flowing.

    Lets see if those lovely kawaii fans see this and jump in! I am looking for at least 8 ppl (that also includes myself) to join.

    Thanks everyone!

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    Hola everyone, I cant wait to see what everyone else makes! If anyone has any concern about the deadline coming up or havent heard from your partner AT ALL! Please Let me know. As long as you are keeping up communication and planning on sending out after deadline I will not release the zombie monkeys after you ~.^ lol!

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