A friend of the family, her husband who is due back from Iraq has been delayed because of the volcano ash and closure of flight air space in Europe. Of all things to prevent him to come home a volcano is what is going to make the story a little adventures to tell his little ones.
Posts by Sugarlishes
thanks for bringing the board back, I was having probs seeing the txt without it, it was kinda hurting my eyes. I love the new layout for projects, just on occation it will not go to the next picture when I click next.
Kids these days clearly lack the disipline that I have been brought up with. Hello what about the golden rule!!
I seen alot of kids just point blankly say something so aweful that I am ashamed to repeat, most parents just shrug it off saying that they raised their kids to be honest...
but honestly that is not how I see it. I told both my girls that before you say something to think about how that person would feel if it were being told to yourself.
Also as a crafter I love to make my family and friends gifts for birthdays and Christmas, but I refuse to make anything for my two nephews for their "honesty" is very hurtful and dont understand
the meaning behind the gift that I made them, their mom lets them get what they want i.e video games, consoles, cell phones...and they are only 8 and 9...and I dont think they are responsible to have cell phones.
Come on now when I was in school cell phones were not permitted on the grounds and if I missed the bus I would use the pay phone and call my mom collect.
Not to mention some kids get away with their potty mouths because most parents think its amusing and dont do anything to correct it!!
But I am not saying I am the perfect parent either, I just like to enstall morals and family values upon my girls.
Okay so I decided to call her after I calmed down and came back from paying for our rent and signing our lease. We talked and before I could say anything after i said Hi, she appoligized to me about earlier, she thought more about it and said she had outside influences telling her and making her insecure about our friendship. Out of our five years of friendship she knew me better than that and knew I would never intentionaly make her feel that way. Everything seems to be okay but we will discuss it more tomorrow since its late. I am so glad she understands and I feel so much better that I was not this "horrible" friend like i thought earlier(just so much stuff going on I am stressed and emotionally crazy).
So lets see how this goes, cause I do miss my bestie.
I am hoping it wasnt just mainly the money thing, I feel incredibly bad for making her feel like I intentionally negclected her. It sucks!@
ugh, I really havent had much to rant but now that everything is bottle up and exploding I am breaking down!
Besides getting ready to move, I am stressing over what utility companies to chose from(since i live on base i dont pay utilities) and making a list of what rooms to start cleaning and packing(and have to do this with a crazed 3 year old creating chaos lol) But that is not my main rant. My bestie of 5 years all of sudden stopped calling me and I have no clue why she stopped calling me for the whole month of Jan. She has called me every night and grew acustom to her doing so and getting my girls in bed in time so I can talk with her. I didn't understand and started getting worried that maybe she was mad at me because when I got my settlement she needed help. She needed 300 and all I could give her was half of that at the time. I had told her that once i got my settlement and pay my bills off it me and her had to go shopping! But once I got my settlement I had to catch up on debt, christmas, and getting things organized. That it seemed like we were both busy on the weekends cause she works thru out the week.
So after leaving a couple of messages on her facebook wandering if she was alright and telling her to call me was invain. I txt her today around lunch time in hopes she was on break to see if everything was alright. I got a response but it was a very hostile felt response. Short summary, she was hurt that I took my "friends" out to lunch and shopping with, I was like wait, the time that I took my "friends" out to lunch was from when my neighbor's 5 year old was being welcomed into the BIKERS AGAINST CHILD ABUSE, and I wanted to do something nice. The shopping part is when I only had my neighbor with me to find a coat the day before cause the ceramony for the B.A.C.A was being held at the next city's park and it was freezing. I never did go clothes shopping because I wanted to go with my bestie. I had bought a pair of boots, 2 pair of pants and a couple of sweaters when I was with Matthew the second night that we had our settlement and was at target to get our microwave that we need.(I am not much of buying stuff for myself so he literally had to put it in the basket for me to get) but anyway I feel like I really did do something wrong and have crying and telling myself that I am a horrible best friend.
Sounds like fun I shall try.
1.Shop owner
2. teacher
3. Paralegal
5. Advisor
6. Counceler
7. interior designer
8. Project Manager
9. Voice actress
10. Children's book writer
I thought it would be hard to come up with ten things but it didnt take that long at all
My aniexity was due to lack of sleep. My mind would not shut off when it would be time for bed and my insomia would kick in. Soon it got so bad that I would have these attacks out of the blue and feel like I was dying or wanted to die just for it to go away. I went to see the doc and he automaticly said it was depression. I told him I dont like some of the drugs that they have out for depression. I rely on my friends to talk to and my crafting therapy. The doc gave me paxil, something for aniexity and ambien for sleep. After taking paxil for 4 days i got worse. I stop taking the paxil and relied on the ambien to reset my body for sleep. I havent taken ambien in a couple of weeks and I am starting to feel overwhelmed so it takes me forever to sleep and then I am dragging thru out the day. I made an appointment to talk to him about getting something other than ambien for sleep.
Its very hard to go out in crowded places...we went to Ross yesterday and xmas shoppers where everywhere. Lucky for the husband he notice the signs of me going to start with an attack and got me out of there. I am stuborn and like to push myself so I dont look weak. As soon as he saw me walking in circles around him and emma and me not paying attention to anything he pointed out for ppl for xmas he pushed the basket to an aisle, got emma and held my hand till we got out of the store.
I notice if I have a good night's rest I am able to keep my mind focus in situations like that. That is why I took myself off paxil since it literally turned me into a zombie and yelling at Emma. I never took the aniexty medication since I was afraid it would knock me out if it was just me and Emma at home. So I relied on the ambien to shut my mind so I can sleep.
So basicly for me it was the sleep part that got me rested and had less aniexty to worry about.
haha trish I agree with the Ask someone to do something and they wait to do when they are ready...by that time I could of done it myself and most of the time I end up doing it.
Last minute blinkers or ppl who forget to turn theirs off after getting on the highway and its on the whole time.
Ppl who throw pitty parties for themselves.
and Ppl who tell me how to raise my kids. "oh i dont do that with mine!" "I wouldnt do that if I were you." or Even try to disipline them when I am right there.
We all know that this disease is not to play around. I for one know how it can effect someone emotionally and physically. Both my dad and sister in law are in remission from their cancer. Unfortunately both my grandparents passed away with their cancers. I know first hand we need those close to us for support when it comes to the treatments as well as the mental break downs that comes with it.
The reason why I started this thread is because I have came to find out a mother of two in our neighborhood has stage 2B Colon cancer and her husband is deployed in Iraq. The unit is refusing him to be sent home to be by her side. I am all about the army and supporting our freedom and all but when it comes to a soldier's family they should be able to put aside being a soldier and let him be a husband and father. This makes me both upset and angry even more so since I seen what cancer can do to a loved one.
There has been a page set up on fb to join as a petition for his unit to see how ridiculous they are being and reconsider sending him home. If you are a facebook member please join her cause and invite everyone on your friend list to do the same. I greatly appreciate it.
Please copy and paste: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=217657130336&ref=nf
I am shocked still, Its very hard to not tear up seeing the pics of the victims especially a female soldier who was pregnant that was amoung the dead. I just want my settlement to hurry so I can move off post. Thank you to you all who have everyone including my family in your thoughts.
We Just got home from my mom's house, its very hard to explain to a 2 year old and a 6 year old why there are armored vehicles and soldiers with assault riffles getting into our housing area to get home.
The girls, the hubby and myself are all okay. Thankfully the hubby had the day off and Lillian had an early out today before it started. I am 3 mins away of where this took place. I am devistated, shock and in tears that this happen here at my home. I just have no words of the situation right now. My sister in law works at one of the places that were attacked and thankfully she had the day off to take her month old in for a check up. I love you all and thanks for thinking of me. Keep those prayers going for those love ones who have l lost a loved one and wounded.
this also allows rankings
http://swapper911.lefora.com/ something like this???