Posts by SyntheticStars

    Awwwwh Ruby, I'm soooo excited! Happy x

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    Still no pics for me...

    @spright, I'm upset about likes etc going away too!

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    When someone puts a comment on my profile... if I click on my name on the bar, it doesn't go to my profile page and I've got to go to 'My Home' then click on my picture to get there, it's a bit frustrating... However, I like the drop downs but they don't like my iPod Touch! hehe! x

    PS, when I hover over 'Projects' it shows me the first ever project I posted... anychance it could be the otherway round? The most recent projects rather than the oldest ones? x

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    nor me x

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    oh my god... she is so incredibly talented... i want to cry cause I can't crochet Happy x

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    Lovely that the parcel arrived Happy

    I tell you what, UK post has got REALLY bad, I sent a letter to America 3 weeks ago that hasn't arrived Happy and Vi sent me a postcard weeks ago that hasn't got me from Serbia. GRRR! It's so, so annoying Happy Especially when it's so expensive! x

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    you got the scalpel necklace?

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    I'm Asthmatic and my symptoms are made worse when I have any lactose, I consider going to lactose-free often... but I HATE soy mil *pukes* If only there where interesting alternatives in the UK... x

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    Paris Hilton was PERFECTLY cast, 'Giles' can do no wrong and is exceptionally good in a musical (think the musical episode of buffy) and and I LOVE LOVE LOVE this film Happy I would do anything to see it on stage or to be in a production of it <3 xx

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    Trish... I have a GREAT idea for a group... cutoutandkeep-ers on swap-bot!! Happy

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    Maria, I've added you on Swap-bot x

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    Hmm... I'm a leader for GirlGuiding UK, it's like Girl Scouts of USA, and we have a constant problem with mobile phones. I look after Guides aged 10 to 15 and we have unit guidelines that say 'I promise to leave my mobile phone at home or to turn it off whilst I'm at Guides' but we have constant problems with texting, calls and now facebook and twitter being used.

    We have two autistic girls in our unit, and I can understand their families providing them with phones: useful as a security device on walks home from school, also as a communication device with family that are far away etc. However, I cannot condone a 10 year old being given an internet enabled phone (on a contract) that gives them access to facebook, twitter, myspace and who knows what else. It's unmonitorable - histories can be deleted as can messages. To me, having not got my first phone until I was 18, it seems completely unreasonable and to a degree irresponsible.

    When we go on camp holidays, we find phones to be even more of a problem. The girls want to charge their mobiles, and those that get homesick make the situation worse when they talk to their families. It's just goes against the notion of spending a week under canvas. As leaders we don't use our phones unless absolutely necessary - in my case last year at camp I ended up keeping my phone on for the duration because my Grandad was very sick, he died whilst we were away; I stayed at camp with support from the other adults and bear hugs from the kids Happy On an ordinary holiday with Guides I speak to my husband once every two days and keep my phone turned off and in my bag the rest of the time!!

    All of this is of course, just my opinion! x

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    Oh man, this is the most hateful thing :| It happened to me a while ago in London and I didn't get anything back Happy x

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    Since my post the other day about the drama and stuff, I've found a group to join where there isn't any! it's much better Happy x

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    @Michelle G I reckon you'd like it there!

    My username there is SyntheticStars as well like here, feel free to add me Happy

    Also... if you look on my profile theres a group for newbies, and it's really friendly and helps people get their ratings up at a lot Happy x

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