Posts by SyntheticStars

    Happy Sunday, I'm destroying myself further by getting distracted looking at baby clothes online, haha Happy

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    you know the form you fill in for this?

    You have to declare that you're not a terrorist or involved in terror activity, and that you're not a nazi or involed in nazi activity. There is no interview or anything!

    People can lie on forms Happy

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    Humph... things aren't too bad today... except for the comedy dizziness!! Four or five hours after taking my tablet, I get so dizzy I can't walk... I seriously hope these side effects go away! x

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    Ahhh, the ESTA form...

    Currently free, and very very easy to apply for. One application is tied to your passport number and lasts for 2 years. When they scan the number/chevron pattern on the bottom of your photo page it brings up your ESTA clearance number.

    The ESTA has supposedly replaced the landing card that all passengers were obliged to fill in to go through US immigration - it actually didn't as people are still asked to fill in the card even if they have an ESTA.

    Also, the ESTA is required even for transit purposes - for example, London to Houston then Houston to Latin America. You must have an ESTA to LAND in the US, not just to enter the country as a tourist.

    If charging the small 'admin' fee for entering America means their system becomes far more streamlined then I think it can only be a good thing, provided the ESTA still lasts two years.

    (All this comes from my personal experience as a PA at an international engineering firm)

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    Okay... here goes... I don't even know if I should post this kind of thing here... but if this ain't a rant, I don't know what is...

    I didn't have periods for very long, they started when I was 11 and stopped when I was 16ish. I didn't have one again until I was 19. At 17 I was sent to a consultant and I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and the day she gave me my diagnosis, she also told me I'd probably never have children without 'help'.

    There's lots of symptoms, I'm fortunate that I don't get too many... I'm fat, I'm moody, I've been diagnosed with depression (I've got Bipolar tendancies, don't you know, haha) and I'm insulin resistant... of course, I rarely have periods and I think I ovulate maybe 3 or 4 times a year.

    So, after ten years of no treatment and virtually no support from my various GPs: I'm now 27, married and my husband and I want a baby. I've been put on Metformin - it treats insulin resistance, which is a massive symptom of PCOS. Treating the Insulin Resistance reduces other symptoms and most importantly boosts fertility. Except... life on Metformin is so miserable Happy

    I'm tired all the time, I'm not even allowed half a glass of wine with my dinner, my tummy hurts all day every day, I can't sleep, I have a metallic sorta penny taste in my mouth and I feel like I'm itchy under my skin. I am so down in the dumps. I can't seem to find any inspiration and I'm so distracted that nothing seems to keep my attention...

    The thing that makes me so sad is that my friends have started having kids, and when they get pregnant and they freak out like it's something terrible another little bit of me dies, knowing that I'll support another of my friends through her pregnancy. I wish I didn't feel so jealous.

    I don't know how to cope anymore Happy

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    Tracy, will be sending to you over the weekend I hope Happy x

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    Heeey, still here. Ms Sparrow and Ms Katie, you have messages. xxx

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    An outdoor house for your pet?
    Shelves for your creative space?
    A three fold screen to hide something or some feature you don't like in your house?

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    pimp >.<

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    ooooh! exciting! Who's books have you got PepperPotts? x

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    I might have to watch this again tonight... x

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    This sounds amazing. I'm not taking any kids on camp this summer Happy It makes me feel really sad! x

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    Didn't want to read and run, can't help you hun as I was never in your situation... but yeah... **hugs** x

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    The colourful names my machine has are not to be shared, except between me and IT. x

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    Ruby Happy I got your parcel today, it's amazing! Will post pics tomorrow x

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