Posts by Knittin' Kitten

    I actually still got mainly pictures of dead things made into hats =P

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    I think if you'd said raccoon tails I would have understood. The word coon just has other connotations for me haha. But obviously that is the proper name =P just shocked me at first!

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    Ooh that's cool!

    It sounds like something really offensive from the name though haha

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    Look what I bought! Just look!

    Aren't they loooovely?

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    Mm I like high-waisted things =)

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    Oh my god, my best friend has a pair like those! They're lighter colours though, I think they're from Topshop. She is mega skinny though, they're a size 8 and they're baggy on her

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    Haha give into it, Queenie!

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    Last night I was restless and made a dress out of this massive scarf my mum didn't want. It's like, the ugliest thing ever - orange with big red flowers. I LOVE it.

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    I've got some cool trousers like those but they're long and baggy, but you can pull the bottoms together to look like genie trousers! I love them.

    I adore most Irregular Choice shoes, and my dream is to buy a beautiful pair and wear them all the time. But I saw someone wearing these (she was also wearing this beautiful layered cream coloured, knee length skirt and a pixie top and I thought she was the most wonderful person I had ever seen):

    I was really in love with this other pair but they appear to have taken them off the site which is so rubbish it hurts

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    Oh I like Luella as well =)

    And Prada's range of fairy print stuff is driving me crazy <3

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    The place Cotham? I don't know where it is except there's a school there.

    I LOVE vintage shops, they smell so good and you get to dive in amongst all the stuff and loads of it is crap but you find the occasional amazing thing. I was so annoyed I missed the last Vintage Fashion Fair, it was great last time

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    I've never actually found anything I like in Uncle Sam's, although I always go in there. BS8 can be quite good but it can also be a load of rubbish. Umm...I did get my nice vintage top from Honor Lulu just off Corn Street, but they're mainly kitsch stuff. I don't really know where else!

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    Aaw no I wish I'd seen more!

    My vintage dress has a big rip in it =(

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    In London the best one is in Spitalfields. There's a market hall full of cool vintage stuff, but also just round the corner is a MASSIVE vintage shop called Absolute Vintage. I think they have a website, actually. But that's Liverpool Station mereckons.

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    Shopping in London is goooood <3 I'm so happy my sister lives there, means I can go up any time

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