Posts by Knittin' Kitten

    Dammit, does this mean I have to start searching for cowboy boots again?

    Aaw my friend loved Milan. She brought me back this pack of matches with Virgin Mary on but it's all glittery and tacky. It's awesome

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    Hey Disarray, I hear Milan's nice *wink*

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    To be honest, most people seem to be wearing the same kind of thing. I know I'm recognising exactly what most people on here say

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    Oh well at least you don't have a bunch of family photos or anything like that =P it would have been much worse if you hadn't realised for ages

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    Red hair with green roots sounds terrible haha! I guess it's just like, you should do what you want at the time. I know you probably looked stupid and really regretted it, but personally I'd rather make mistakes and laugh about them later. But it's quite possible that's just me =P

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    -Bit- harsh, Chelsea.

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    Haha deal Corrie! Even though I have no idea when I can get to a charity shop next =P

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    Ah nice one! I'll have to give it a go when I can afford new clothes =P That's another problem, I only have one pair of jeans and they're just cheapy Dotty P ones cause I'm soooo very poor right now

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    Oh they're nice! I'm probably not thin enough though. I can't wear smock tops or anything cause they make me look massive, and I like them =(

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    Dress pants? Just like nice pants?

    The only style I'm really comfortable is is a dress and boots (either my cowboy boots or army boots). I don't like wearing jeans or shorts. But I hate tshirts, I can't wear them

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    I LOVE flares. I had this awesome pair of pinstripe flares a few years ago, I miss them. I normally wear skinny flares now but they're not as nice.

    I need some more interesting clothes, I'm bored of all mine! I love rockabilly style, I really wish I could pull it off but I just don't have a cool look. You know how some people just look cool and their clothes seem like an after thought? I can't do that

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    I live in England, and for once I'm fairly out-of-date where fashion is concerned! I normally read fashion magazines and indie magazines but I can't afford them at the moment. But there doesn't seem to be anything new going on - just the usual skinny jeans, big sunglasses, stupid hair, etc etc. Most girls I see look like an advert for Primark and most guys I see are fairly indistinguishable from anyone else

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    did you end up with the extensions then? I had cool ones when my hair was really long and black, they were pink and purpley <3

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    Oh wow that's beautiful!

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    I saw a girl with them today, but she had bleached hair with the grey bits in which looked good, normally you see it as bleached bit on dark hair =)

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