Posts by Knittin' Kitten

    Well someone mentioned it on the Secret Santa thread and I would love to do a Halloween swap =)

    Anyone else fancy it?

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    I can get some pictures soon but none right now. I'd love to swap =) I always want more jewellery!

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    I'd like to do this but not if it's Christmas themed, to be honest. Or at least for me to decide. I'm not Christian and I don't celebrate Christmas. Last year the most I could do is make up naked Bettie Page cards =P

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    I got forgotten *emo tear*

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    A size twelve UK is about a size eight US

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    Haha sorry it looks so crappy. I thought I'd stuffed it enough, but obviously not =P

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    I don't have a sewing machine, which is a problem. Although I'm taking textiles next year so maybe they'll let me borrow theirs?

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    Sent yours out today, Rosa. I can't remember if it was first or second class but hopefully it'll be there by Saturday (who knows?)

    I know this is the wrong thread but I also sent your letter today, Shivi

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    Yeah possibly. What do you mean by goodies though? Do we have to make everything in it?

    I think I'll have to find out how busy I'll be next year before signing up to anything =P

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    Those are such cute pictures, Roma! Oh and the biscuits were awesome!

    I'll hopefully send yours out on Thursday or Friday, I have a few things to send so I'll try and do them all at the same time

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    Yes I got it, sorry I've been away for a few days. I LOVE it Roma, thankyou so much! I'll try and get pictures up soon and hopefully send yours this week, although now I'm ashamed of sending it because yours is so good! Mine kinda looks like a children's scrawl haha

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    Oh that's adorable! Shivi is a lucky girl =)

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    Oh dear Roma, yours is hand-sewn. It's basically done but I'm not happy with it yet. So I'll let you know what happens =P

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    My sister insists that the battered mars bar is amazing. I just couldn't do it haha.

    No worries at all Opposites! It's only for Tim, he doesn't matter haha

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    Apparently they sell them in Costco for really cheap but you have to buy a few, and there's one in Bristol so I think I'll head there soon! And as they go for much, I'm thinking I might get quite a few and sell them haha

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