Posts by Knittin' Kitten

    Ooh yes piccy please

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    Umm yess I think so!

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    A netted skirt. Preferrably a short one. If it's attached to a bodice type thing will be extra nice but something like that. Let me know requests for swap backs or a price!

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    Umm I have some blue with white polka dot fabric..or I can get you whatever buttons you want, I have a ton. Or I have the knitted icons book?

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    Umm I have some blue with white polka dot fabric..or I can get you whatever buttons you want, I have a ton. Or I have the knitted icons book?

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    Oh and how about send out date on the 22nd? I know that's only two and a half weeks, but I'm thinking that Cammy lives in Australia.

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    Oh sorry Sug, not sure why I put you down =S and Lilim of course!

    So it's Lilim, Violin, Cammy and me. Four makes things easier. Umm since me and Lil have already talked about the swap, Cammy and Violin - are you happy to swap?

    I'm thinking we make some things, buy some Halloween sweets and send a little gift basket type thing over. That sound okay? Nothing big or any expectations just some cute things

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    Okay no worries Monica.

    I'll leave it till Sunday but if not, it'll be me, Violinagin and Sug and we'll just do a three-way swap =)

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    Okay are we still doing this? I kinda forgot about it, so let me know if you'd like to do it and we'll set up partners quick snap and send out in two/three weeks. Is that okay?

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    The Name you are known as on this site: Knittin' Kitten

    Age: 17

    Do you go to school/college: College

    What type of movies you enjoy(comedy, horror, action ect): Horror, thriller, comedy

    What do you enjoy doing during your free time: Knitting, sewing, playing with the cat, customising clothes

    The best time of day for you: Evening

    Bright or Dark colors: Umm well vibrant colours. Blood reds, emerald greens, sapphire blues. Yum

    What is the three best colors: Red, blue, purple

    Favorite current animal: Kitty

    Do you love fantasy like creatures if so what: Sirens, anything from fairytales

    Would you prefer something to sit at your desk or carry around: Carry around

    Name a few things you carry around with you (in your purse/bag): my iPod, makeup, folders and notes for college, phone, pen, matches/lighter, keys

    If I were to get you a pair of socks what size would I get: I wear 7/8 (UK) shoes but 4-7 socks normally fit me

    What is your favorite sweet: Fairy cakes

    Do you have an object obsession if so what are they: I love hats and jewellery

    Favorite type of craft: Jewellery making

    Least thing for someone to make you: Umm nothing impractical, and nothing boring

    Challenge! Just type some ideas for your swap buddy : Wearables are always appreciated, I love leopard print and cherries and whatnot

    Message to your secret Santa: I hope you enjoy whatever I give you! And I'm sure I will love your special present

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    Ooh that sounds good =)

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    I always liked the idea of me and Tim sharing a book which we write things about each other in, but this is such a nice idea, to put a little bit of yourself in and getting to half-meet all these people =)

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    That sounds awesome! I really want to do that!

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    I reckon we should just do what we can for people. There are a few other swaps on at the moment, so no expectations - if a nice card is all you can afford/have time for, then that's fine. If anyone does particularly want a fair swap they can say and I'll try and find someone who can do that for them, but I'm sure most people do this more for the chance to do crafting stuff.

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    Umm well probably yeah, unless someone really doesn't want it themed.

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