I'm very seriously considering getting a mohawk and I need to know whether it's a rubbish idea.
This is what I want:
But probably slightly longer at the sides and longer bangs. And I'd still have my side-swept fringe at the front. But I don't want to have to spike it up all the time, so do you guys reckon that'd look alright just down and swept back? My hair's just going past shoulder length now, so I'd probably keep it this length for the mohawk and shorter on the sides. Oh and this is me, so you can see my face shape and that:
My main worry is that it will look horrible because I'm not very thin! Although I think it'll go with my nose ring (which you can't see in either picture as it's in the other nostril!)
Oh and I would probably get my hair the colour in that girl's picture as well, as I've been meaning to go redhead again.
I think with your style you will defo be able to pull it off!
It will look very cool with your nose ring, you have a pretty face too, so i say go for it!
You only live once as they say hehe.
Good Luck!
Go for it!
It will look cool on you,it suits your style and I think your bangs will look great the way they are on the pictures!
I love mohawks,my husband has one since I know him,he has dreads shoulder length and no hair on the sides at all.
And i noticed mohawks make your face look thinner.I have many friends with that hair cut and all their faces look thinner.
my hair is cut on the sides too,not as a mohawk,just on the sides.heres the pic:
I think you should get the mohawk,there fun and it will suit your stile! Hope I could help you decide!
Ooh does it really make your face look thinner? I could do with that!
I normally dress either in punky clothes, or flowery dresses and that, which I think would contrast nicely with punky hair.
By the way I love your hair and your husband's, Violetta! I don't think I want to have a close-cut shave cause if it looks rubbish I can't do anything about it =(
Try it!
If you don't like it you just get a shorter hair cut and it will grow out - Love the fact that most hair mistakes can be fixed pretty easily with either another hair cut or just a little bit of time.
This is the shortest I've ever had my hair:
I'm just worried it wouldn't suit me if it was short. But hey, I can just wear a hat or something =P I think my biggest annoyance will be not being able to do anything with it (except spike it up, of course). I like having hair that I can put in ponytails and bunches and stuff. But I might just cut it short, then grow it long again after the summer or whatever.
I used to have mine shaved really short up the sides almost as far as the original pic and there is still a fair amount you can do with it when its down. I sometimes used to do a french plait (i think its a french one, where you start with a skinny plait at the top and gradually add bits). I used to have mine completely shaved though, a bit like Violetta's husband and I used to love the feel of it, especially in the hot weather. It stays quite cool and I used to get called velcro head when it was freshly shaved You can also do extra bits and bobs with colours and ribbons. I used to have the hairy bit coloured deep red and the sides a dark blue. I would go for it if I were you. You only live once and it great to experiment while you can. I'm 35 now and although I don't feel too old to do these things, I just don't have the time or energy so I'm glad I did it while I was younger.
Mm I'm thinking that while I'm young (18 now) and jobless I should do it. I am looking for a job in York, but the problem is that it's Easter holidays in three weeks, which is when I'm gonna cut it, then I'm only back for like a month after. So no one's gonna hire me till next September anyway.
Ooh I like the idea of it being cool =) I used to have really long hair and that was a bitch in the summer. I'm going to two festivals this summer as well, and it'll be easier to handle if it's short.
I love the idea of putting ribbons and stuff in! I could just do little plaits and stick badges and ribbons and beads in it. And I can learn how to do a French plait in case I ever need to keep it out of the way =)
Thank you guys, I'm sure I want to do this now! Just need to break it to the boyfriend haha.
wha that pic u used to show what you wanted realy inspires me, my bf has an mohawk and is always naging (in a funny way) that i should get one to, but i don't want to trim my hear so short... but i think it would be so cool to say it to nobody (exept my perants maby ;)) and dan just let them see for thereselfs xD
that with the ribbons and stuff is just so cool I always do something with my hear but it's usualy just plain simple hanging douwn like normal hear does
at the moment i whas realy thinking of doing something funny with it and i think a mohawk wil get nice comments (xD) at school. they already think I'm weard so my reputation wil not be ruend xD
and me being 15 i wont have to be scared at being denied at a jubinterview becouse probely the only thing i can do at my age is bringing papers around xD
but i'm stil not sure, becouse (ofcourse) i'm a litle bit afraid of the reactions i get, not that i minde what they think of me at school and i'm sure mij bf wil freacke out in a good way, but i don't think my friend wil be to happy for me -.-' atleast, mij friends outside school xD because the 'schoolfriends' are just as waird as I am ^^
what do you guy's think? a girl who goes to a highschool ware they love to tease people if they are diferant...
When I was in school I just had long black hair and I got teased enough for that. I'd check in terms of school policy, but I knew girls at my school who had mohawks and dreads and that.
caity, if you're scared certain crazy farmer-village/hole in the ground friends won't like your mohawk-yeah, i'd freak out and have to get used to it, but if it makes you happy? go for it. its you hair. and i think it matches you^^
so i'd be happy for you.
haha but you'r always happy for me if i'm happy xD but still ty *hug*
and about my hair, i just what to do something (almost) nobody has I whant to be diferent xD unique (a)
so meby i'll have the guts to do it, and meby I don't ;)
Probably not getting a mohawk any more.
Showed my boyfriend that picture this morning and he burst out laughing. I asked if he thought it would look shit and he said yes. I started crying and then he said that he thought it would look nice and that he just hadn't thought about it before, but that's clearly a lie. Oh well =(
hhm not realy the reaction you hoped for, i'd exually think it woul'd look realy nice, but i don't think it will rule out you'r bf's reaction he? mine is exualy realy exited and is looking for pic's and so on xD but i'm still not sure.
But if i ware you, you could try photoshop if you have the right pic's you could zee how it would look sort of
although you'll have to know how the program works ofcourse ;)
Yeah I don't think I'm that good at Photoshop haha
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